Some Assembly Required

Começar do início

"Great.", I agreed. 

Asuna walked over to the bed and pulled a lever at the bottom, which promptly folded the bed into a more compact size. Asuna rolled it out into the hallway, then we continued with the other crib, which we put together much quicker this time. When we finished, I rolled the cribs up against a wall and Asuna helped me adjust them so that they were to her standards. 

"I have some red drapes that would go really well, then we can put the strollers over there in the corner. That ought to match everything just fine. Then, we can give them red sheets, and we'll put some gray in here, too. I don't want any black, though. Black is not for babies. Oh, maybe instead of gray, we can put navy blue!", Asuna said.

"Like little sailors?", I asked. 

"YES!", Asuna said, clapping her hands together.

I laughed and then sat down on the floor. Asuna seemed to have a sudden realization. She walked quickly out of the room and returned a couple minutes later with a plastic bag from a craft store. 

"I got these for a project a few months ago, but I forgot to use them and they ended up in the hall closet. They would work perfectly with the theme for the room.", Asuna said, taking out a couple of little metal ornaments. One of them was a silver anchor, the other one was a red star. They hung on gold ribbons and were pretty small. 

"Ok, so where do you want to put them?", I asked. 

"Well, I was thinking we could put them on the dresser. They can just hang on the little knobs. Like this.", Asuna said, putting each one on the drawer handles for the dresser. The dresser was pretty small, but nobody stayed there long enough to need more space, anyway.

"I like it. We can go shopping next month and get some finishing touches for the cribs and stuff.", I said.

"Whoohoo! I'm so excited!", Asuna said

I laughed. She was so cute when she was this excited and happy. Her smile was a million miles wide and her eyes were sparkling. After the horrifying events of last night, you would think she'd be more freaked out. 

The doorbell rang and Asuna's head turned to look at the door. I walked out of the nursery and down the hall to the entryway. I peered through the peephole to see Josh and Kim standing there nervously. I'll give you one guess as to what this was about. They heard my gun last night. They rang the doorbell again and I opened the door.

"Hey, we just wanted to come see if you two were alright. We heard gunfire last night and it sounded like it was coming from over here.", Josh said.

"Yeah, there were some intruders. I fired my gun twice out the balcony doors to scare them off.", I explained.

"Did they hurt you?", Kim asked. 

"No. We're fine. Asuna hid in the bathroom while I went and found my gun. They were just a couple kids. They didn't look older than 15.", I said.

"Did one of them have spiky black hair that was dyed green at the tips?", Josh asked.

"No. I don't think so.", I said.

I felt Asuna walk up behind me. She put a hand on my back between my shoulder blades and smiled at Josh and Kim over my shoulder.

"Ok, I was just asking because I counsel a kid that looks like that. I can't really tell you anything else, though.", Josh said.

"Yeah, I got it. They both had hoods and ski masks, so I have no idea what they looked like.", I said.

"Ok. Well, we were just gonna check up on you and make sure that nobody got hurt.", Kim said.

All I NeedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora