I grab her ankle and pull her feet from under her. I try to attack her but security grabs ahold of me before I can punch her. They pull me out of the lunchroom as students whisper and laugh about the lie they just heard.

They walk me to Mr Hearts office and make sure I'm inside and seated before they leave the office.

"Mind telling me what happened Paige?" He asks, looking up at me.

"Do I have to?" I sigh.

"Well, you could either tell me what happened and get a lighter punishment or you can not tell me and get sent home on a five day. You pick Kiddo" He says.

"Fine. If I tell you can I at least stay for Chemistry? I have a test I can't miss"

"Only if you tell me." He says.

"No problem. You know I've been sleepy all day. So has Roman. We weren't asleep, but we were laying down on the tables. A group of girls and guys came up the table, demanding I admit I had sex with Reigns. I refused, so one of the girls got up on the table and yelled the lie to everyone in the lunch room. I pulled her off the table and tried attacking her." I explain.

"So a girl started a rumor? And you tried to hit her, correct?" He asks, trying to understand.


"Who is this girl?" He asks.

"Sasha. Banks."

"You know we don't tolerate violence Paige." He sighs.

"I know. Go ahead and suspend me"

"Alright.. I won't suspend you." He says.

I raise a brow at him "your not gonna let me off so easy though. What's the catch?"

"Your gonna come in for a week straight, starting Monday. After school and during one or two classes periods. Your going to help out in the Drama class." He says.

That's not that bad.

"Help how?" I ask.

"After school Detention will be held there starting Monday. During the day you'll be helping kids with there lines for plays and what not"

Awesome.. Not really.

The bell rings and he dismisses me to English.

When I walk into English, all eyes are on me. I should have expected this to happen. I walk to an empty desk at the back of the room and sit down. I open my notebook to a blank page and just starting writing.

"Alright class. Its Wednesday. I want all your papers on my desk by Friday after class. They'll be graded over the weekend and you will present them Monday" Mr Casper explains.

I don't realize I'm sitting behind Bubba until he actually says something to me.

"Paige.. Look at me."

I don't look up though. I continue writing in my notebook.

"So your just not gonna talk to me anymore?" He asks.


He pulls the notebook from under my hand and throws it onto his desk.

"What the fuck is your problem man?!" I snap, finally looking up.

"Talk to me" He demands.

"I don't have shit to say to you or your little whores" I snap.

"Why are you so mad?!"

"Really?! The whole school is talking about Me fucking Roman! Something I didn't even do!" I yell.

"Paige, quiet" Mr Casper says.

I mumble choice words and hold my hand out. Bubba sighs and puts the notebook in my hands.

"Look, that wasn't my fault." He says.

"You shouldn't have said anything to Roman to get him going. Sasha wouldn't have said anything If you wouldn't have opened your big mouth" I snap.

He grabs the front of my shirt and pulls me into the table.

"I don't regret a thing I said." He whispers into my ear "I will fuck you better then Reigns ever did. That's a promise"

"Get your hands off of her!"

Seth runs up and pushes Bubba as hard as he can. Bubba jumps up and gets in the face of the Two toned teenager. Devon and Daniel are quick to jump up to try and jump Seth. That doesn't go to far though because Roman and Dean are up on there feet in seconds. I feel someone grab my wrist and pull me away from the guys. I glance back to see Brie.

"Don't you dare get in the middle of that" She says holding my wrist tightly.

"Brie. Two of those guys Are my brothers.. I love the other one." I mumble.

"Rollins, Dudley, Brian, Reigns and Ambrose, sit down before I send you all out." My Casper yells.

It takes a minute, but everyone returns to there seats.

"Get in your pairs and get to work"

I don't want to be around anyone. I don't want to face anyone. But I have to. I stand up and walk over to the desk and plop down.


"Please. Don't. Let's just get to work alright?" I ask.

"Don't shut me out princess. I want to be here for you.." He pleads.

"I don't want to talk about it Seth." I snap.

"Don't do this to me.."

"Just stop alright? I want to finish this stupid paper so I can move on with my day."

"I won't let you shut me out" He sighs.

"Its to late. I won't drag any of you down because the school wants to run there mouths about something they don't even know about. I won't make you the topic of the school."

He grabs my face in his hands and pulls me into him, connecting our lips.

Oh my god..

He moves his kips against mine but at first I don't respond. What do I do?

His lips are so soft..

I finally move my lips against his. Our lips move in synch as I put my hands on top of his. After what seems like forever I pull away.

This can't happen.. I'm only gonna drag him down.. This is wrong.

But it felt so right.

"'I gotta go" I mumble before standing up and walking out the door.

"Paige!" I hear Seth call out.

I'm so confused now. Between the new rumor being spread around the school and that kiss. I don't know what to do..

"I love him" I mumble to myself.

Come Alive (Seth Rollins & Paige)Where stories live. Discover now