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Soon after starting the car I arrived home, to a bustling household of my stressed out friends. "APHMAU!!!" screamed Katelyn as I walked through the front door to find Katelyn, Kawaii~Chan, Aaron and the boys from across the street sitting tensely in a circle on the couches, their heads suddenly raised as I came in. She leapt up from the couch and to my side before looking me up down and frowning, concerned at my ragged appearance. "Uh, yeah? Why are you so worried? And why is everyone in our house?" I asked uncertainly, my eyes lingering on Aaron for a second before scanning the room and finally meeting Katelyn's gaze. On one side Kawaii~chan was hanging off my arm, and the other Katelyn was resisting the urge to hug me. The boys were all standing up and concern was written across their faces as well, Aaron in particular. "Why were you gone for so long?! Do you even realize how long you've been gone?! I've been so WORRIED!!" She spoke quickly, and noticing her emotional state rising, she took a few deep breaths. I glanced at my watch and groaned. It was quarter to 9, no wonder they were worried, my job normally finished at 6 and I would be home about quarter past, but because of the hold up with Freddy.... No. Don't even think about it. You can't tell them, so what's the point?

Katelyn spoke again, her voice quieter and calmer. "Are you okay, Aphmau? Me and Kawaii~Chan have noticed that a lot of the times when you come home from 'work', you go into your room crying, and we can sometimes here you screaming and crying and your sleep. Once we even heard you singing, 'It's Been So Long' I think it was?" I snapped my head up at the mention of that song, and all that came out of my throat was a hoarse, "No..." before I suddenly bolted from Kawaii~Chan's grasp and up the stairs to my room. As I reached the door I heard shouts as they snapped out of their shock, and Garroth and Laurence called out my name, as Kawaii~Chan wailed "Aphmau~senpai!!" and Aaron and Katelyn went after me. Travis looked towards me with a pleading look in his eyes, and I nearly cried as Dante looked up at me as well, before I shot through the door and slammed it, locking it with a click. I panted and slid down the door with my back to it, tears beginning to leak out of my eyes as banging began. I recognized Katelyn and Garroth's voices, as well as Laurence's and Aaron's, but I didn't open the door for any of them. I just sat there, sobbing quietly as memories flashed through my head, my ears blocking out the banging noises and my brain oblivious to my name being called.


Claire and I, standing there as sisters, watching her son excitedly run up to the lively animatronics, elation causing his soft eyes to light up. We both laughed as he raced around the place and grouped together with his friends, his energy sparking jovial moods in them. As we walked in, a waitress distracted us from watching Andy and his friends go backstage under the directions of a purple man. We sat happily as we ordered a pizza to share, until Claire suddenly realized that she'd lost sight of Andy, and began to panic. I assured her the pizzeria was a safe place, and to appease her nerves, offered to help look for him. We searched, and at first I wasn't too worried, but as the day prolonged and we still couldn't find him, my nerves had increased tenfold. I didn't show this to Claire however, trying to be strong for her, but in the end, the investigation that the police set up found nothing. No bodies at all, neither Andy's nor the other children with him that fateful day. Soon after, the anxiety and PTSD that were like a black hole for Claire; a black hole that was sucking away at her life; grew too much for her, and when three weeks had passed after the investigation had finished, she hung herself from the fan in her own room. I remember walking in on her pale, lifeless corpse; a slight trickle of blood had seeped on to her clothes, and I had screamed and immediately called the police. Soon after that, I moved into my own apartment, and now I was living with Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan.

~END OF WHATEVER THE FUCK I JUST WROTE :D probably end of flashback? X3~

My curtains were drawn, keeping the room in darkness as the banging and "Open up, Aphmau!" calls began to die away and and ceased all together, instead becoming a flurry of voices creating a plan on how to get into my room. I looked up with still streaming eyes to look at the clock; it was 9:00 now, and I knew that it wouldn't be long before I would start getting hungry and would need food. I sighed, and uncurled myself slightly, crawling towards my bed and almost bumping into it in the low-lit room, before using all of my strength to pull myself onto it, my muscles aching from being wrapped around my knees for so long. I sighed, and sat on my bed, and realizing that Celeste was here with me and was whimpering at my tears and licking them up, I hugged her tightly. She yipped happily and I gave a half-hearted chuckle, before resting my arms dangling comfortably around her. All of a sudden, a soft yet familiar voice I thought I would never hear again called out to me.

"Aphmau," called Claire's voice softly from behind me, and I whirled around, subconsciously noting that my friends were against the door listening in, as they had heard the voice too. "Claire?" I croaked wearily, my tears building up again and my mouth dipping down on either side as an incredibly mournful look came across my face, my heart lurchinh painfully in my ribcage, as if it were being torn in two. "B-but wait, Claire, y-you're dead, you killed y-yourself back then, how are you..? YOU SHOULD BE DEAD! THIS CAN'T BE REAL! NO!!...No...." I gasped for air as my heart rate suddenly rose, and my eyes flickered slightly. Blackness filled my vision, and my friend's voices called out my name worriedly before hearing a thud as I collapsed on to the ground. The voices grew louder and the banging started again, before stars danced hungrily across my vision and I fainted.


Hello there my faithful pug~muffins!! Yes, that's what I'm calling you guys XDDD. What about puggins?Sounds kinda like puffin to me but LOL whatever. Anywho, how's your day been? Mines been greaaaaaat, thanks for asking! Anyways, I would like to thank all the unicorns in the world for continuing to be my faithful servants and writing this story for me! Jks, I did all the hard work, no thanks to them!!! But anyways, see ya in the next chapter and HAVE A GOOD ONE MATE!!

*P.S. Would you guys like me to start doing word count?

~Yours sincerely,

~Your loyal pug/dragon,

~And all the puppies in the world,

~Pug <3

Marionette's CallingTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon