Chapter 16

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A black car pulled into the dark alley behind Salley Seafood Emporium and stopped near the delivery gate. The driver's door opened, and Julius exited the vehicle. The back door on the opposite side of the car opened, and Moe emerged. Julius opened the back door on his side and reached into the car.

"Come on," Julius ordered as he assisted Claire out of the car.

Claire's hands had been bound behind her back, and her mouth had been gagged. She appeared to be tense, but not overly fearful. She did not appear to have been harmed in any visible way. Julius led her around the car where they joined Moe near the personnel door. Julius procured a ring of keys from his pocket and moved to open the door.

"Boss, it's unlocked," Julius whispered, pulling his gun from its holster.

Moe also pulled out a gun and then looked around the alley. He took Claire by the arm and then motioned for Julius to enter. Julius carefully opened the door and cautiously made his way into the hallway, with Moe and Claire close behind. At the end of the hallway, Julius paused to survey the scene in the main warehouse. He quietly pointed out the broken skylight to Moe and then slowly entered the room. Upon scanning the room, Julius noticed Jasper lying motionless on the floor. Finding no source of imminent danger, Julius rushed over and knelt beside Jasper.

"Bro," Julius anxiously said as he gently touched Jasper's shoulder.

Jasper did not respond.

"Jas," Julius called a bit more loudly as he carefully shook Jasper.

Moe led Claire into the main warehouse and over to the small office. He looked inside past the mangled door and saw that the room was empty.

"Damn! He's gone," Moe said angrily. "What the hell happened here?!"

Claire's eyes lit up upon hearing that her dad was no longer Moe's prisoner. Suddenly, Jasper let out a slow groan.

"Bro!" Julius said, relieved to find that Jasper was still alive.

It took Jasper a few minutes to come to and take in his surroundings. Julius brought him some water and helped him sit up after first checking to see if he could move safely. Finally, Moe's patience wore out.

"What the hell happened, Jasper?!" Moe snapped.

"Boss," Julius interrupted, trying to elicit some sympathy for Jasper.

"Shut up, Julius," Moe ordered. "I want answers. I didn't hire you guys to be a couple of sissy boys."

"It was an automaton," Jasper finally answered weakly.

"An automaton?" Moe said skeptically. "A tin can did this?!"

"Yeah...I was just sitting here minding my own business when a damn automaton busted in through the skylight. I tried to shoot it, was too quick. It grabbed should have seen it, bro," Jasper recounted, turning to Julius. "It was strong. I heard a voice from the roof tell it to kill me...I thought I was dead for sure...That damn machine was choking the life out of me...The last thing I remember was hearing a gunshot."

"A gunshot?" Julius asked curiously.

"Yeah," Jasper replied.

"Did you see who was on the roof?" Moe asked.

"No, boss, sorry. That's all I can remember," Jasper answered.

"Well, whoever it was or whatever it was...they took Arthur," Moe noted.

"I'm sorry, boss...I tried," Jasper apologized.

"At least we still got the girl," Moe said, looking at Claire.

"I know who it was," Julius interrupted.

"You do?" Moe asked. "Who?"

"Irving...who else?" Julius replied. "An automaton...a voice on the roof...the girl was hiding out at his place...he knew we were looking for all adds up."

"I don't know, Ju," Jasper said. "The automaton seemed different from that goofy one of Irving's...and it was black instead of silver."

"You might be right," Moe said to Julius before pausing to think for a moment. "Tomorrow morning, I want you to call Irving...Tell him the girl dies unless he brings Arthur back...Tell him to meet us at the warehouse on Hill Street...Friday nine...and tell him to leave Marsden and his tin can at home."

The Adventures of Will Irving: Automaton TroubleWhere stories live. Discover now