Chapter 6 - Movements.

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"WHAT?! Are you mad braav? You do know Alberto is MUADDD BAIT!" - Davss.

"Yeaah, so? I want to get him. Can you help me or not?" - Me.

"Yeaa gee, I'm in. I'll give you a couple of links still, to where you can find him. Just know that if anyone asks..." - Davss.

"You weren't involved." - Me.

"Exactly." - Davss.

Davss made a couple of calls, sent some texts, pinged a few heads, inboxed others and baddabing baddaboom.

Alberto located.

"Thanks gee." - Me.

"Its kl. Ayy, when you meet Drakillah he'll give you the ting, aitee?" - Davss.

"Yeah, kl." - Me.

Everyone always takes me for a mug. Martin, Carla, Mum, Dad. They all tried it. But they'll see. Everyone will see. They'll see me moving reckless.

I make my way down South London to meet Drakillah. I went down to Peckham sides, as I'm coming close to 96 Harvards Street, I smell a strong stench of weed. I didn't really like weed, matter of fact I hated it, but if I needed to take it to prove I'm not a mug I would.

"Drakss." - Me.

"Do I know you like that for you to be abbreviating my name?" - Drakillah.

"Aitee kl, sorry brav" - Me.

"*sighs*, I'm only going to be polite cah I'm doing this for Davss." - Drakillah.

He goes upstairs & comes down with a kitchen towel. The ting is inside the kitchen towel. Greaaaatttttt.

"Safe gee." - Me.

And I'm gone! Now I'm making my journey to Brixton sides. It's time to find Alberto. He thinks he's too hard. Just cos he's muaaadddd bait, it don't mean I'm scared of him. When you mess with family? Its beef.

Aitee, I'm on the bus. Its 11pm. How do I do this? You know what, bun the balaclava ting, I want him to REMEMBER my face, you simme? I want him to remember that you don't mess with Chan 'ShayBev' Myers. ShayBev is my reckless name. The guys in the hood know me as that.

As I walk through BrikkyPark, I see him. Chilling on the wall, with a bunch of yats (girls).

"Alberto!" - Me.

"Yeah, who dat?" - Alberto.

"ShayBev" - Me.

He walks up to me. What an idiot, he doesn't know what he's walked himself into.

"Yeaahh, mans heard about you still. Apparently you know the boy I'm after ;)" - Alberto.

If he wants me to tell him the whereabouts of Daniel, WHY would he make it so obvious that he's after him?

"What you heard about me?" completely ignoring his second comment.

"Mans heard that you do certain tings, to get certain tings, you simme?" He said whilst licking his lips.

I felt disgusted and angry at the same time. I'm here to do my ting & he's tryna move to me? Am I an eeeediaaattt?

"Ayy, Alberto, hurry up man!" - one of the yats.

"Ayy chill. Wait for me outside my yard" - Alberto.

I waited for the yats to go.

"There's no way you're going home tonight" - Me.

I kneed him in the bulls. He fell to his knees.

"You're after MY brother Daniel? And you've got the cheek to be telling me that?!" - Me.

I kneed him again. This time it hit his chin. For a well known guy he wasn't talking much.

Oops, spoke to soon.

"How would you feel if when you were 2 'til the age of 10 your dad was physically abusing you&your younger brother? Your mum committed suicide cah of your dad and having to live in some dusty orphanage, where all you eat is mash. How would you feel?" - Alberto.

I stayed silent. I wasn't going to let some sob story affect me.

"All I wanna do is protect my brother. So when I was in pen & I heard he got beaten up, I was MUADDDD, so of cour - " - Alberto.

"This is for you Daniel." - Me


I couldn't stand there. I couldn't BEAR to hear him come up with a reason to get my brother. MY brother! The one that has always been there for me? Nahhh, you must be kidding me.

As I chuck away the gun & the kitchen towel, I leave Alberto there. Them yats can come & try save him.

Now, its time to get Daniel back to the ends. I call him.

"Yoooo." - Me.

"Sis, how you been?" - Daniel.

"Yeah I'm kl still, I just done suttin for you." - Me.

"Ayy sis, I'm hearing that you've been moving reckless nowadays, I don't respect this but nevertheless, what did you do?" - Daniel.

"I killed Alberto" - Me.

"You... Did.... WHAT?!?!?!" - Daniel.

"It had to be done. I couldn't have you hiding for the rest of your life." - Me.

"So.. you... killed him?" - Daniel.

"Yeah, i'd do anything for you." - Me.

"Aitee, i'm coming down to your yard now. I'll be there in 6hrs cah i'm driving" - Daniel.

"Cool, i'll meet you there" - Me.

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