Chapter 30 Masquerade

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" Certainly." I smiled. James interrupted us." So where is your fiancée? " He has a fiancée? He didn't look that old too rather young.

"She was not feeling well to attained the party." I saw another couple was making their way to talk to James. He noticed them.

" I will talk to you again," James said.

" sure. It's to hear from you, James." He turned to me," I will love to talk to you again beautiful Mia. Till then my regards." He went away.

I hit James lightly, on his chest," Why didn't you ever tell me that your friends with a prince? I embarrassed myself."

" you didn't embarrass yourself, angel. I must say saying that loud to his face that ' I forget your whole name' was hilarious and cute." I blushed more. The couple came to us.

" Hello James, how have you been? How are Lilly and George?"

" They are well Mrs Willcot."

" I love to talk to them one of these days. Well, tell them I remembered them." She said. She seems like a sweet lady." and who is this lovely lady?"

" she is Mia. My girlfriend."

" it's nice to meet you, dear. I am so happy James finally found someone." She smiled at me. We went and talked to many people. James got busy talking with his business associates. I was getting bored now.

I remember that James told me not to leave his side but I feel bored just standing at his side and listening to business talk. I slowly stepped backwards and left James. I made my way towards the bar. " one Shirley Temple please."

" Coming right up." I sighed.

" What is a beautiful woman like you doing alone in the bar sighing?" I turned around to look. It's Albert.

" Oh hello, Prince Albert." I smiled at him.

" Oh loose the 'Prince' Mia. Where is James?" He asked me. I pointed at the group of gentlemen talking.

" James is busy as ever. Shall I order you any drink?"

" No, it's okay. I ordered a Shirley Temple." The bartender brought me my drink.

" Bring me two dead in the afternoon for the lady and me. Put it in my tab."
The bartender brought the drinks. "It's on me so please have it." I smiled and nodded.

" So are you participating in the auction?" He asked me.

" Auction?" I asked him confused.

" James didn't tell you? This masquerade is sponsored for underprivileged children who suffer from cancer. All the money raised will be given to those institutions. It is organised by James, me and any other person."

"It's such a nice thing your doing for them. I will participate." I said smiling.

" Great. I will call Olivia for you registering your name." He went and called Olivia. She took my mane in the list. I saw the list and there were only five names for the auction. Coming to this high-class party and not even contributing a little bit for the children. People are stone-hearted nowadays or what? I thought to myself.

I will talk with James later. Why didn't he tell me about this auction? Buy somethings which will help the children is good. It's worth it. I ordered another 'death in the afternoon' and drank it. I was feeling a bit tipsy. I don't want to be drunk so I stopped drinking.

I saw him making his way towards me. I went to have a word with him."I am sorry Mia. I got taken over by the business talk. I shouldn't have let my attention get off you angel."

"It's okay baby. " I giggled.

" Mia are you drunk?" He asked me.

" A little, maybe, I don't know. But leave that. Why didn't you tell me that there was an auction?"

" How did you know about that?"

" Albert told me."

"Grrr. That guy will die in my hands."

"James what's with a little auction. If we buy a few stuff to help the children it's good right?"

" Mia it is not that type of auction where you buy things. Here you auction yourself for the evening. The owner gets to go on a date with you."

" Oh no," I put my hand on my mouth.

" yeah..." James said rubbing his temple. He had a worried look on his face.


Hi, my dear reader's. What's up?

Mia got herself in a twisted situation. How will she get out of it? James is not happy with it.

Stay tuned and find out in the next chapter. ...

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The Billionaire's confession (COMPLETED)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz