Chapter 33: Where We Left Off

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 Yeah we'll pick up where we left off


 Oooh, Oh


 Oh the way we say goodbye

 Is not the way that anyone would do

 Like a wave out on the ocean

 I will always come right back to you

 Nothing changed, nothing fades, nothing lost

 And we pick up where we left off.


 Oooh, No, Oh, No, Oooh, Oooh”


“Niall, why’d you sing that song?” I asked really confused


“Because we will pick up where we left off soon enough. But not right now. You need to wake up and carry on. Think of me when you smile. Live your life. Don’t worry about me. I won’t be gone for too long.”


“What are you talking about? What’s going on? I’m not leaving you!”


“You have to wake up, Alexa.”


“No! I’m not leaving, Niall!” I screamed letting the tears role out as I clutched onto him for dear life.


“Wake up. Wake up. Wake-“his voice disappeared and now it was all black.



I wake up in so much pain. I’m laying comfortably in a comfy bed though. I try to open my eyes, but my eyelids just feel too heavy. It smells of cleaning supplies, wherever I am. I hear a beeping noise in the background with another distinct sound… sobbing. Why is someone crying? Where am I? Suddenly, I feel a slight squeeze on my left hand. It kind of hurts, but not a lot. Why is someone holding my hand? I also feel a slight pinch in my right arm. It stings before it feels normal again. My curiosity is getting the better of me, so I fight my eyelids. I crack my eyes open before immediately shutting them. The lighting is extremely bright, it’s unbearable. I groan in pain. I feel a headache coming on.

“Alexa? Alexa?” a familiar voice asks, breaking at the end.

“Hunter? Where am I? What’s-” I couldn’t even finish the sentence before breaking out into a major coughing fit. My mouth and throat were so dry. Soon something was brought up to my lips and water poured out. I gulped it down. Why was I so dehydrated?

“Alexa, everything’s ok. You’re in the hospital. You were brought after the attack. You’re fine now.” Hunter explains.

“How long have I been here?” I asked as the memories of that night flooded back.

“3 weeks,” he answered.

“What about Niall? How is he? Where is he?” I asked opening my eyes and looking around. The room wasn’t all that bad, but Niall wasn’t here with me.

“Ummm, Alexa, maybe you should get some sleep. I’ll go get the doctor.” Hunter said loosening his grip on my hand, but I tightened mine before his grasp was gone completely.

“Where’s Niall, Hunter? Is he ok?” I gave him my pleading eyes and he looked back sorrowfully. Then I remembered that monster that put us in that situation.

“Where’s Jake? He’s dead Right? I killed him right?” I asked for confirmation.

“Alexa you really need-“

“HUNTER ANSWER MY DAMN QUESTIONS!” I screamed in frustration.

He shook his head. “Niall’s not responding. He’s not doing well at all. The doctors are doing everything they can but they don’t think he’ll make it.” He said not looking me in the eye. My grip loosened. “And they never found Jake. When they reached you guys downstairs in the basement… it was only you two… Jake wasn’t there and neither was his body.” My grips let go completely. I looked at Hunter as he finally made eye contact with me. The tears in his eyes made it worse. I couldn’t believe this. Everything’s gone. Everything’s broken. Everything’s doomed. The darkness took over again and I didn’t fight it.


HELLO THERE YOU FANCY QUESIDILLAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well yes, yes I’m alive lol. Sorry for these late/sucky updates guys. School has started up again and it’s just SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much! I hate school L anyways so here is the update mainly just dreams or visions I know I know. This sucks, but I promise there are some more updates for you lovelies and they get better so stay tuned.

Thanks for all your comments, votes, and reads. I love you all. STAY YOU!!! BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!




You Never Loved Me Like He Does (Niall Horan Fan Fic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن