I Fell In Love With A Suicidal Emo Chapter 2

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"Courtney! Courtney!" I ran up to her.


"I talked to him!"


"His name is Slayter"

Courtney grabbed my arm and pulled my outside to a spot on the lawn and made sure people stayed at least 20 metres away.

"Start from the very beginning" she told me.

I told her the whole story as I watched her face changed from 'she actually talked to him?' to 'Oh My Gosh, my best friend's a loser, kill me now'.


"So you invited him to cheerleading practice!"

"Yeah, He seems really cool."

"Emo is so not cool. You for one should know that. You're supposed to be this school's number one 'it' girl."

"Tell me, how do you know emos are not cool if you've never hung out with an emo person before?"

"I guess you're right. I'm sorry." Courtney sincerely said as she reached in to hug me.

"I told you I will support you and that's what I'm going to do."


"Love you darling. Mwah, Mwah." She air kissed me.

"Come on. I feel like some orange juice."

I laughed as we linked arms and walked to her locker which was stacked with all the essential healthy foods and drinks.

"What's his name again?"


"That's weird."

"It's an awesome name!"

"Brooke and Slayter sitting in a tree" she sang."

"Shut up!"

"K-I-S-S-I-N-G" she laughed.

I pushed her and we both laughed.

"Remember when some people thought we were lesbian?" she asked me.


"I think they were right"

"Totally" I laughed as we play wrestled down the hall.

"Court! You're going to mess up my beautiful hair."

"Oh no, not the hair!" she pulled the most hilarious face.

"LMAO!" I laughed.

She put her arm around my shoulders and I put mine around her waist.

"You need to look hot for Slayter at practice."

"Can you help me?"

"Sure" she said as we walked into our last class for the day.

"Why are you ladies late to my class?" Mr Kohler growled.

"Our friend was very upset and needed us to cheer her up. She's very emotional. I don't want to mention any names she might not like that." Courtney lied.

"Oh, okay then." Mr Kohler turned around to face the board.

I high fived Courtney for her excellent work and sat down in ours seats.

The home time bell rang and an electric serge of excitement just swept over me.

I ran to the change rooms with Courtney and changed.

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