~~End of Flashback~~

"I've been meaning to talk to you about this, actually. When the babies are born, I think you should quit your job.", Kazuto said. 

"What?", I asked, surprised. 

"I know, but I don't like the idea of them being in a daycare. I want them to have one of us with them instead of some stranger.", he said.

"I understand that, but I can't just walk up and quit. I mean, I could, but it's just not that simple. I'd have to leave all those people that I have friendships with.", I said. I wasn't protesting, but I wasn't happy about the situation.

"I know, but we'll go visit them, and we'll bring the kids.", Kazuto said.

"Yeah, I know. I'm just gonna feel weird not going to work.", I said.

"You and I will probably be too busy with the kids to notice.", Kazuto chuckled.

"Ok. I'll quite right after they're born.", I conceded.

"Ok. Hey, you want me to make supper?", Kazuto asked. 

"Sure.", I said.

"Well, I need you to get in order for that to happen.", he laughed. 

"But you're so comfy.", I pouted.

"I know, and you can sit with me again after supper.", he said.

"Promise?", I said, giving him the puppy eyes.

"Cross my heart.", he said.

I laughed and got up. I stretched, feeling some of my vertebrae pop back into place. Kazuto got up and walked into the kitchen, then I sat back down on the couch and pulled out my computer. If I didn't have to pay an outrageous price for something I could get cheaper online, I wouldn't. I pulled up the search engine and typed in 'newborn car seat'.

A million photos and websites came up. I scrolled through them, checking out the ones that seemed promising. There was one that was peppermint green and had little toys hanging from the handle. I bookmarked it and then kept looking. 

"Alright, it's ready.", Kazuto said, poking his head into the living room. 

I closed my laptop and got up, setting it down on the coffee table before walking into the kitchen. Whatever Kazuto had made smelled awesome. There was a pot on the stove with a lid on it. Kazuto had a couple bowls out beside the pot. He lifted the lid, letting plumes of steam rise up and hit him in the face.

I laughed as he jumped back, then fanned the steam away. He smiled and then picked up a ladle and poured some ramen into both the bowls. He handed me a bowl and a spoon, then walked over to the fridge and got out the peach tea and set it on the counter with a couple of cups. I poured some e=in each cup, then put them on the table while Kazuto got out some napkins.

We sat down at the table and started eating. Kazuto made good ramen. It was pretty easy, since this stuff was microwave, but it was still really good. I took a bit of the noodles. They almost slid down my throat. He always added butter to them right before they were cooked, that way they were nice and soft and fluffy. 

I finished my ramen before him. I hadn't realized just how hungry I was. I got up and had seconds, which I also finished pretty quickly. I ate two bowls in the time it took Kazuto to eat one, even though he was a pretty quick eater. When I finished my second bowl, I excused myself to the bathroom. 

I shut and locked the door, then stared at myself in the mirror. I didn't really look any different, spare my expanding waist. I twisted and turned, examining myself in the mirror. You could hardly tell any real difference. My curves had smoothed out a little, but not enough to be called heavy or fat. 

All I NeedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora