"I suppose this means I'm excused from work tomorrow?"

"Why? Are you finally going to get a hair cut?"

Darcy snorted. His hair wasn't even that long. It wasn't like it was long enough to pull back or anything. But he considered letting it get that long just to annoy he father.

"No, I'll need to find a flight." And if he was going to lose his Friday night, he wanted to go out tonight to make up for it. Maybe he could find a not-so-nice girl to take home for the night.

Although, lately he hadn't enjoyed girls as much as he used too. Maybe it was stress. He'd been working a lot more lately, in preparation for the upcoming conclave. Not only in at his father's company, which umbrellaed several businesses, but also in his physical training, and learning everything he could about being an Alpha.

"Or maybe it's because you're twenty-eight and still mateless, you loser." a nasty voice in the back of his head quipped

"Not everyone finds their mate when their sixteen. Just because Liam did, doesn't make you a loser." he argued with himself, rationally.

"Stop arguing with yourself, father is talking to you."

Darcy mentally shook his head and tried to focus on what his father was saying.

".... Your assistant can handle anything that might come up tomorrow. It's getting late, have you even eaten?"

Darcy assumed that meant he could have tomorrow off.

"No, I haven't eaten. I'll finish the report and head out. I'll probably stop somewhere on my way home and grab a bite to eat."

His father clapped his knees and stood up. "Well, I'm off then. Don't embarrass me at the party."

Darcy sputtered, offended. "Have I ever embarrassed you?"

"Not since that time in prep-school." his father said with a gruff laugh

"Hey, I told you, we were gonna put that boat back."

"Which begs the question; why was it on fire?"

"Someone decided to do flaming shots." Darcy mumbled, cheeks growing red.

His father just waived and let himself out, chuckling all the while.

Darcy looked around his sleek modern office, all black and white, and glass and steel. His sister Pat had arranged it for him, just like his flat. everything was high end, and probably expensive. It was also all functional, and that was all he cared about. The only color was some small red accents on things like painting and knick knacks.

He picked his cell up off his desk and called Pat, to check up on her.

"Darcy?" she answered. she didn't sound terribly ill. "Did father talk you?"

"Yes. I'm taking tomorrow off to get a plane and head out there. I'll take care of it. You just get some rest and get better."

"Ugh. Thank gods! I hate that fucking thing. Sorry, dude."

"You're not even sick are you?" he demanded. double douped. By his own trecherous family. For shame.

"Uh...." She faked a few coughs. "Yeah, I totally am."

"Don't make me hate you like I hate our idiot brothers." he said narrowing his eyes threatenly, even though she couldn't see him.

"Listen, bro. I've had to go to this hideous gala for the past five years. I paid my dues. It's your turn."

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