Regina in Hospital

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Regina's POV:

I smirked as yet another nurse ran out of my ward. "Oh no you don't want to work with that Regina George. She's crazy!" The nurse warned. "Trust me I know. But my father said it would be good work experience. You might want this." Said a girl kindly handing the nurse a ticket of some sort.

Turns out the girl was only Lana Jones. "Lana Jones?" I asked shocked. She shrugged nonchalantly. "You need a bath." Lana said wrinkling her nose slightly. I sat up and tried to walk.

Lana chuckled at my efforts. "I have to hand it to you, you're determined. But let me help you." She offered bending down so I could put my arm over her shoulder.

Lana had kindly said she would wait outside. But I think that was best for both of us. I mean I refuse to have the biggest nerd in the school see me naked. She's already privileged enough to see me clothed.

"So how did you get into nursing?" I asked as Lana set the food down in front of me. "Well, I like helping people." Lana shrugged. I rolled my eyes. How corny. "Why did you look after me?" I asked curiously. I had teased Lana to no end. Why would she want to help me?

Lana laughed. "Regina we don't get along. But I'm not a monster." She replied. I raised my eyebrows. "And how many monsters do you know?" I asked annoyed.

Lana's eyes hardened and had a far away look in them. "A few too many." She muttered quietly. Then she cleared her throat. "But let's talk about you!" Lana said enthusiastically.

As I went to sleep I couldn't help but be confused. What monsters did Lana know? Was I one of them? Who were they?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2016 ⏰

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