Chapter 3: the kiss

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Before I knew it, the days was gone. Same did the past weeks, but as the weeks went by, my eagerness for the place I call home has not left. I loved it all, and me and fredbear finally got along. As the days went by, me and Fred would spend our spare time alone making new songs for the childern. We would compete to see how many fans can we get, so we do solos time to time. But the more I spend with Fred, the more I get that beautiful smile, the more I blush on the inside. I don't know why, but when he smiles, it sends butterfly's into my stomach.  Some times at night I would just watch him while he sleeps, that's when he looks sooo cute. When he is balled up and his cute fluffy tail wiggles when he sleeps.
"Hey Springy. What you doing in the back storage room?" Fredbear said.
Damn it, my cover been blown. On my spare time I would right my thoughts in my journal that I found in the office. Don't ask me why I was their. I quickly stuffed the journal into my guitar.
"N-nothing. I was just thinking" I was lieing.
"OK then, um we're needed on the stage" said fredbear
"OK. Coming* I got up and followed fredbear into the main room. The room where all the kids would play. But sadly it was after hours. I looked around and noticed fredbear was missing. Where could he be? I looked around and noticed fredbear mic. It had a not on it.

*I have challenged you to a hidden n seek battle. If you can find me, I will grant you one thing you want.*

Wait what? If I found him I could get what I want. This could be my chance. " I accept" I said out loud. Now all I had to do was find him. I had some great listening. So I stayed very quiet and listened. He was in the main hall ... under the third table ... in the secound row ... near the back. So I walked his way, until I headed a crashing noise in the back storage room. "What was that?" I said. Then I walked toward the storage room, and opened the door
"Um S-spring B-bonnie, what a-are you doing here?" A figure in the shadow.
"U-um Vincent. Is that you?"
"Uh... y-yes" then the guy in purple walked out with some mechanic parts
"What are you doing here after hours? You came to give me a hug?" I said.
"S-sorry, not today OK?" Said Vincent
"OK then, I don't want you to get in trouble, so what ever your looking for find it quickly, OK?" I said
"Y-yes Springs." Said Vincent. He quickly grabbed some more parts and left from the back door.
"Bye Vincent!" I then turned around, thats when I seen fredbear run down the hallway."I got you now." I smiled and then sneaked down the hallway and taged him.
"Ahhhhh." Said Fred. " you scared me."
"Ow, I am sorry" I said.
"It's OK, great game" said fredbear. Then he pulled out a ticket that read 'one free wish'
"You earned it." Said fredbear. Then he turned and walked down the hall towards the main room.
"U-um Fred." I said
" yes springy?" Said Fred.
"I would like to use my ticket." I said
"OK then what is your wish?" Said Fred.
"I would like ........................"

To be contuined.

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