twenty-one - qualified

Start from the beginning

"Concussion, nothing to worry about," I told him.

"Well, he did also say that you had to rest for a few days, or it could get worst," Wendy intervened.

Harry looked up, surprised. As if he hadn't noticed her sitting right next to me. I turned my head to look at her as well. She grew small in her chair, her cheeks growing redder by the second. Clearly she regretted interfering and for a second, I felt bad for her. Seeing her react like this, just made me believe what she had told me before I lost consciousness.

"Okay, he might have mentioned something about resting," I said in a soft tone, trying to lighten the mood.

For a minute or two, a heavy silence fell between the three of us, until Wendy got up. "Do you need me here? Otherwise, I'll go home."

I looked at Harry, silently asking if he was staying with me. He nodded and I turned to Wendy. "I should be fine," I replied. "Thank you for taking care of me," I added, meaning every word.

She smiled and seemed relieved as she got up and came in to hug me. Although just a few hours ago I was boiling mad at her, it was hard to stay angry with her now. More and more I understood her motives, I understood why she acted the way she did, and it just made my anger feel unjustified. So, for now, I let it go and instead became grateful that she took care of me since I passed out.

"Text me if you need anything," she said as she grabbed her bag.

She was about to head out but I grabbed her hand, giving it a light squeeze, hoping she understood that I was happy she had been there and that I wasn't as mad as I was a few hours ago. She smiled and let out a relieved breath, showing that she understood just what I meant when I took her hand, then she headed out.

Harry and I watched as she left. Once we were completely alone, he grabbed a chair and pulled it closer to my hospital bed.

"Are you okay?" Harry asked as he took my hand in his.

I knew that his question wasn't just about the concussion, but about everything that was happening. And I loved him for that because it showed that he cared, it showed that he worried about me.

"I think it will be," I told him.

He smiled, compassion laced all over his feature, then leaned down to kiss the back of my hand. That's when a doctor walked into my room.

"Hello, miss Hampton, I'm doctor Thomas. On her way out, your friend Wendy told me that you were awake so I came in to sign you off," he said as he entered.

I looked at him, surprised by how young he was and doubted for a second that he was qualified to examine me. But then I realized that a light concussion was basic medicine and I didn't need a experimented doctor to treat it.

"How are you feeling?" He asked as he grabbed my medical sheet and looked at it briefly.

"Good, I guess. I have a small headache and my memory's a little hazy but slowly small details are coming back."

"That's a great sign," he said, smiling as he looked up from the sheet. "Everything seems good then. I'll just write you a medical note prescribing that you need to rest for the next five days, then I can send you home."

He proceeded to write my medical note and then he was gone. So then I got out of my bed and gathered my things while Harry followed me like a shadow. I knew his intentions were good, that he only wanted to make sure that I was doing okay, but it annoyed me that saw me as fragile. So I turned around and took in a deep breath before pressing both of my hands on his chest. Immediately he grabbed me by the waist to pull me closer and before I could say anything, he pressed his lips against mine. It was quick, but I knew him enough to feel just how worried he was.

"Harry," I whispered against his lips before pulling away just enough that I could look at him in the eyes. "I'm fine."

He closed his eyes and pressed his forehead against mine. "I know that now, but coming here... I was so scared, Em. Wendy called me to tell me that you had to go to the hospital and didn't explain more. I made up all of these scenarios in my head, I was going nuts while I drove to get here."

"Oh, Harry," I leaned my head to the side and pressed a kiss on his cheek. "Everything is fine, I'm right here and I'm okay."

He pulled me even closer, knocking the wind out of me and tightened his grip on me to a point where it was almost painful. Harry had always been better at expressing his feelings with his body rather than with words. With his rough embrace, I could feel his desperation and his panic.

"I just can't imagine being without you," he mumbled against my neck. "I love you."

I brought both my arms around his shoulders and one my hand went into his hair to hold on tightly to him. Then I felt my neck getting wet, but as I tried to turn my head to look at Harry, he tightened his grip and buried his face deeper into my neck, preventing me from seeing his face. So instead I kissed the top of his head and waited until his tears dried. 


Baby Harry, he loves her so much :')

What did you think about this chapter ? Not fully satisfied with it, but it's the best I could do with my fried brain. I have two weeks left before I finish my BA -holy shit- and that's all I can think about. Hopefully I'll be able to update soon, but I can't promise anything. 

Anyway, tell me what you think of this chapter in the comments. Also, I'd love to know what you think I could improve, what you want to see happen, etc. Let me know in the comments :)

Lots of love,
Karry xx. 

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