Chapter 19- Meeting the family

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I looked out over the new landscape below us. We were surrounded by mountains covered in ice and snow. The sky was light overhead, tinted with the beautiful colours of dawn, painted in vivid hues. The air here was clean and sweet, free from pollution. It wasn't what you'd call baron as baron is used to describe something where there is an unnatural lack of people and objects. This place wasn't baron as the lack of the modern world was entirely natural. People would be unnatural, indeed just by Jack and myself being there it felt like we were intruding on the natural order of the world. But still I marveled at how simple yet beautiful nature could be if humans didn't interfear with it. How utterly marvelious it could be if we just left it alone.

And there, built into the ice, was a huge building. Lights twinkled in almost every window, with various smaller buildings clinging to the side of the cliff. There were small touches of traditional Russian architecture in the design with high pillars and rounded onion domes. And yet there were enough natural shapes for it to almost blend into the mountain unless you were looking for it. Humanity working with nature, it was possible and this building was the proof.

"You okay?" Asked Jack.

I looked down at him from my position on his back.

"Yeah it's just, wow!"

He grinned, "I know. North should be expecting us, but this close to Christmas he may have forgotten."

Baby tooth squeaked something and started heading off in another direction.

"Where's she going?" I asked.

"Probably back to work, someone's always losing a tooth somewhere."

"Oh," I replied, then waved to the fairy who was barely a speck. "Buy Baby tooth. It was great meeting you."

I couldn't hear if she replied over the wind. I think she squeaked back.

We drew closer to our destination, to one of the windows in the roof.

As we entered I couldn't help but gasp at the sheer size of it all. This one room was bigger than an Olympic arena. There was so much activity, I didn't know where to look. There were giant fluffy things moving parts, painting toys and so on. Under their feet scattered, I don't know, they looked like red, oversized hats with arms and legs. Very strange. And toys zipped past us at an astounding rate. I'd have to ask for one of those this Christmas.

Above the sounds of utter bedlam, a think Russian voice bellowed. The voice was deep and gruff but with a joy that seemed almost childish. The owner of the voice came round a corner followed by a little golden man, a pretty humming bird woman and a giant gray/blue bunny.

"The Guardians," I said quietly as we touched down. I was suddenly nervous. Would they like me? Would they think me just a mortal? As we settled onto the ground Jack let me off his back and I just stood there, star struck.

"Hay guys," said Jack, waving to his friends.

"Jack," called the woman. She was small and wraith like, with tiny feet and delicate hands. Feathers covering her body, flashing in bright vivid colours. Her eyes were a striking violet, filled with kindness and enthusiasm. When she grinned, her features lit up, her feathers became brighter and her teeth shone in an almost blinding shade of white. She flew forward and tackled Jack in a hug. "How are you?"

"I'm good Tooth," he replied. So this was the Tooth Fairy, from what Jack had told me I knew we were going to get on well.

"Jack my boy," boomed the man in red. He had a long silver beard and his hair was equally as long, he had thick black eyebrows the protruded 2cm from his head. His blue eyes sparkled and seemed to notice everything. He reminded me of Babushka in many ways.

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