Chapter One: The Happiest Day

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Lies de Jonge

   Today's the day.

   I can't believe it's finally happening. Time flies so fast when one's enjoying it, and I did enjoy it, so much. I sat up on my bed, thinking what lies ahead of me, what the future has in store for me.

   The sun's dazzling rays shone through the curtains and the cold morning breeze blew inside sending shivers down my spine. I scoffed, overflowing with excitement as I looked down at my left hand where there was a small glint of silver, a ring studded with tiny diamonds that twinkled.

    It's my wedding. I'm gonna marry the man of my dreams.

   I smiled just by thinking about it. My phone was overheating with all the messages that all congratulated me and my soon to be husband.

   But first, I need to get dressed for the occasion.


   The day went by so quickly, I lost track of what had happened earlier that morning. Right now I was staring in front of the mirror while two people were taking turns in fixing my makeup and hair. I observed every detail of my face: bright blue eyes, wide and joyful smile, long wavy dirty blonde hair that was fixed into a fancy bun at the top with sparkling bobbing pins.

   Then someone knocked on the door.

   "Come in." I said, looking at the reflection of the door as it slowly swung open.

   A very beautiful woman stepped in wearing dark red chiffon dress, dark obsidian wavy hair did into a small bun behind her head, her wide smile showed her joyfulness which she always is. It was one of my friends, Ashie, and one of my bridesmaids and looks absolutely stunning in her gown.

Ashie gasped upon seeing me, "Oh my God, you look so pretty!" She said, hugging me.

   Then, as if right on queue, three more girls peeked inside, it was Mia, Lotte, and Debbie, and they were all gorgeous. Mia was wearing an olive green chiffon dress with some hints of blue that compliments her eyes, her shoulder-length brunette hair was curled at the ends. Debbie had this golden yellow dress that swayed fluidly with her every movement and it was paired with two inch high heels, she had her hair tied into a ponytail with a few strands on the sides of her face. Lotte was wearing a purple dress as dark as the night sky and sparkling like stars, hair did into a bun as well, lips as red as rose that was curved into a smile.

"You look damn gorgeous!" Debbie squealed.

"Hey girls!" I greeted them with a group hug. "You look pretty too! And Mia, that dress looks so good on you, I'm sure Rhett will love it."

Mia twirled around, "Really? You think so?" She asked, her eyes twinkled.

   "Since when was I wrong?" I said, "I once said you two would make the perfect couple, and now look at you now, almost on your third anniversary."

   Mia smiled and kissed me on the cheek, "You're the best, Lies. I'm sure Ian's a very lucky man to have you."

   "D'aww, thanks!"

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