"You...guys.." I smile out of breath with my arms wide. All that's my hobo look is missing is some missing teeth.

"We missed you so much," Mia takes my arm but then hears her baby cry and runs to Jae and the others.

"Shit! He must want his toy!" Diane takes off running as well and Alex takes out his car keys.

"Diane wait!" He yells leaving Ted and I, "It's in my car!"

"Sooo..." I look up at Ted, "shall we join the others?" He handsomely laughs and whispers in my ear.

"You might wanna?" He then points to his chest and I look at him puzzled before looking at my own cleavage.

Crap! My shirt buttons are open halfway through and my breasts are fully exposed. "AAAH!" I scream covering them up with my jacket, trying to act normal while crouching.

He saw my Hello Kitty bra! Shit! What do I do? This is so embarrassing. Damn you Alex, Mia and Diane! Couldn't I have a normal greeting? After 3 seconds of thoughts, I turn around and say the first thing that comes in my mind.

"Don't think I wear Hello Kitty bras all the time. This was just on offer, buy 1 get 1 free so I had to-" Oh crap! I stop midway and facepalm myself. What did I just say?

"I'm glad to see you haven't changed," he chuckles walking off. Why am I like this? Where did all my coolness go?

After greeting Jae, Bradley and Xiaofei, he's Mia's husband and it is the first I see him, God he's handsome! Why is everyone related to that family so hot? I crouch down on my knees to greet the little guy.

"Hey!" I smile at the boy with large cat eyes who's hiding behind his father's leg. "What's his name?"

"It's umm..." Mia hesitates and I stand up to be at her level, "it's David."

"Ever since she told me she got a new friend," Xiaofei speaks, his accent slightly Asian, "she's been calling me non stop saying she wants a child named David."

Mia nudges him in the ribs and leaves saying, "Ohlookatthetime? Xiaofeidon'tyouhave a flighttocatch? You'regoingbacktoChinacome onlet'sgo!" so fast, I barely understood what she said.

"Let's go home," Diane puts her arm around my shoulder but I am confused. Home where? Mine and his house are the same. I expected him to at least show up today.

"Where's Kris?" I ask hoping that he's planning one of his surprises where he's waiting for me in the car or at home.

"He's umm...." Diane, Alex and Bradley look aside while Ted just stares at me.

"He's not in the country," Jae gives me a quick smile, "business trip."

"Oh..." I exclaim realizing how silly it was of me to ask, "and April? I want to thank her. It's because of her I'm out after all."

"She went back to continue her studies in Korea," Jae once again informs me and I remember how April was only here because she was having a break from studying.

Since Kris isn't here, I guess I can't really go back to his house. And I can't go back to my tiny apartment because the last thing I want right now is to be alone.

It's Not My Style (EXO Kris fanfic) [#Wattys2016]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt