Chapter 2

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In the castle, Trixie was sitting on her throne, and talking to a unicorn with a moderate sapphire blue mane with moderate cerulean and dark phthalo streaks in it, moderate cerluean eyes, and a dark blue shield with a brillant rose star on it, and three light blue stars above it for his cutie mark named Shining Armor who served as the queen's huntspony. "Take her far into the forest." Trixie said talking about her stepdaughter. "Find some secluded glade where she can pick wildflowers." Shining Armor nodded and said "Yes, your majesty." "And there, my faithful huntspony, you will KILL her!" Trixie said smirking. "But, your majesty! The little princess!" Shining Armor said in shock. Trixie stood up from her throne in anger and said "SILENCE!" Trixie then took a few deep breaths, and said "You know the penalty if you fail." Shining Armor reluctantly nodded and said "Yes, your majesty." Trixie then took out a box big enough for a heart, colored in purple, and has a golden heart-shaped lock. "But to make doubly sure you do not fail, bring back her heart in this." She said giving the box to Shining Armor, and he then went out to find Fluttershy.

Later, Fluttershy and Shining Armor went to a glade full of wildflowers near the Everfree Forest. As Fluttershy picked the flowers, she started to hum a tune. As she finished humming, she heard a sad tweeting noise. She turned to see a baby blue bird sitting on a rock. She then dropped her basket full of flowers she picked, and went over to the bird. "Hello there." Fluttershy as she letting the bird land on her hoof. "What's the matter? Where's your mama and papa? Why, I believe you're lost." The baby bird nodded as she tweeted and cried. "Oh, please don't cry." Fluttershy said as she tried to comfort the poor bird. Shining Armor watch Fluttershy, and then looked around. Seeing that nopony was around, he used his magic to take out a dagger from his bag. "Come on, perk up." Fluttershy said trying to get the baby bird to cheer up. "Won't you smile for me?" The baby blue bird smiled and tweeted happily. Fluttershy giggled and said "That's better." Behind her Shining Armor started walking towards her.

"Your mama and papa can't be far." Fluttershy said as she looked around for the bird's parents. She then spotted the nest in a tree not far from where Fluttershy stood where the baby bird's parents were, and said "There they are. Can you fly?" The baby bird nodded as Shining Armor was getting closer to Fluttershy. The princess then raised her hoof up as the baby bird flew to her parents. "Goodbye. Goodbye!" Fluttershy said waving to the baby bird. She then saw a shadow, and turned around. She screamed at the top of her lungs as she ducked down and covered her face with her hooves while Shining Armor prepared to stab the princess. But he dropped the dagger, and shook in guilt and fear. "I can't! I can't do it!" Shining Armor said as he got down on his knees and started to beg while Fluttershy uncovered her face, and stood up.

"Forgive me!" Shining Armor said. "I beg of you, your highness. Forgive me." Fluttershy silently forgave Shining Armor, and said "I don't understand." "She's mad! Jealous of you!" Shining Armor said. "She'll stop at nothing!" "But-But who?" Fluttershy stuttered. "Queen Trixie!" Shining Armor answered. Fluttershy gasped and said "Queen Trixie?" "Now, young mare, run!" Shining Armor shouted. "Run away! Hide! In the woods! Anywhere! Never come back! Now, go! Go! Go! Run! Run! Hide!" Not needing to be told twice, Fluttershy turned and took off running into the Everfree Forest. She then brushed against the vines in the trees, and she stopped and saw an owl that screeched and flew off. Fluttershy then ran into bats, and she ran off in fright, but she got caught in branches that looked like it was grabbing her. She gasped and freed herself from it.

Fluttershy ran again but she got caught in more branches that looked like they were grabbing her. She got away, but then she ran into a tree that looked like a monster. She gasped and backed up, but she screamed when she fell into a hole that looked like a dragon's mouth. Fluttershy held onto a vine before she landed in the water below her. She looked up, and screamed when she saw logs that looked like alligators. She quickly got out of the water, but another monster-like tree howled, and the wind blew, causing Fluttershy to run away in fright. She screamed when she saw another monster-like tree. Then she saw another, and another, and another, and another until she screamed, fell on the floor, and started sobbing uncontrollably.

While the princess was sobbing, the scary eyes turned out to be the eyes of the forest animals hiding in the trees. They slowly popping out and silently approached her. A cute white bunny went up to her. Fluttershy looked up at the bunny. "OH!" She yelped out startling the forest animals, making them retreat. "Please don't run away! I won't hurt you!" The forest animals looked at the princess as she said "I'm awfully sorry. I didn't mean to frighten you. But you don't know what I've been through. And all because I was afraid. I'm so ashamed of the fuss I made." She looked at the birds she met earlier before she ran into the Everfree Forest, and said "What do you do when things go wrong?" The birds tweeted in a song. Fluttershy smiled and said "Oh! You sing a song!" The birds nodded as they tweeted. Fluttershy vocalized a tune. The birds repeated a tune.

Fluttershy vocalized another tune, and the birds repeated it. Fluttershy then vocalized another tune as the baby bird she helped before flew over to her and landed on her hoof. The baby bird attempted to repeat the tune, but she shrilled a note and then she and her parents cringed. Fluttershy laughed and started vocalizing. As the princess vocalized a song, more forest animals came closer to her. When Fluttershy finished her song, the forest animals cheered for her. "I really feel quite happy now." Fluttershy said smiling. "I'm sure I'll get along somehow. Everything's going to be alright. But I do need a place to sleep at night." She looked at the bunnies, chuckled, said "I can't sleep in the ground like you." She then looked up at the squirrels in the tree, and said "Or in a tree the way you do." She then looked at the birds, and said "And I'm sure no nest would possibly be big enough for me."

Fluttershy looked at one of the birds, and said "Maybe you know where I can stay. In the Everfree Forest somewhere?" The blue bird tweeted as if to say that he knows where she can stay. "You do?" Fluttershy said as the blue bird nodded and tweeted. "Will you take me there?" Fluttershy asked. And so the birds, and the rest of the forest animals proceeded to lead her to where Fluttershy can stay.

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