Chapter 11: Party Time

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The girl almost had her expression change with the sudden move. But she already predicted it. With him being around her for a week already. The girl glanced at the boy. She sighed and punched him on the back.


"Kyaah!" Kuki fell again. This time because of someone knocking on her door. She's still on her pajama, her hair is messy, and—yuck. She even drooled in her sleep. She walked to the door and opened it, revealing Sonic in a cat costume.

Kuki's POV

I yawned and rubbed my eyes. "Uhh..?" I said drowsily. I squinted my eyes. "Eh? Sonic? What are you doing here?"

"Oi! You've got some explaining to do!" he yelled, showing a nerve on his face. "First, why are you dressed like that!" Sonic flushed red, looking at me from head to toe. "Secondly, you said this was a costume party so I wore the outfit you gave me!" I looked at him. That's when realization hit me.

"Bwah.. ahahahahahah!!" I burst out laughing. "I can't believe this! I literally can't believe this!" A tear of joy fell out of my eye. "You believed me? I thought you would have figured it out that it was just a joke, but you actually wore it?" I asked, grinning widely, and looking at him.

"It's not funny," he said with a poker face. "Just.. hurry up and go get changed. Everyone is already waiting for you at the party." Wait, wha—? My eyes widened.

"It's today?!" I screamed.

"You're the one who invited us, yet you're also the one who doesn't know when it is?"

"Well, at least I'm not the one that's wearing a cat costume." I giggled. "Alright, I'm changing." I shut the door closed on his face. After a minute, I opened it. "Let's go!"

"How did you changed for only a minute?" Sonic asked, dumbfounded.

"I used my powers, duh." I replied with a smirk.

I used my Giant Folding Fan to fan ourselves to the party in just a whip. While on the sky, I fixed my hair by creating a small whirlwind beside my hair.


After we've got there, the party started. I greeted many people. There are some heroes there too. Mumen Rider was there too. I spotted Saitama and Genos near the food tables.

"Saitama," Sonic called out.

"Sorry, Sonic." Saitama grabbed a handful of bread and shoved it right into his mouth. "I'm busy at the moment."

To my, and everyone's surprise, Tatsumaki showed up. She got a dramatic entrance by bursting the door open.

"I'll just pay for the damages.." I said with a sour smile on one of the worker.

"Tatsumaki? You're here! Uh, what are you doing here?" a voice said. We turned around to see Superalloy.

"I didn't get an invitation. So I thought that I should crash this party. Plus, I need a vacation for a while." She smirked.

"But I sent you an—" I was cut off.

"Shut up. I'm older that you," Tatsumaki demanded, with a grim face. I zipped my mouth shut instantly after that.

"Y-yes ma'am!" I saluted and straightened my posture.

"Hey, who let this annoying goat it? Someone close the door." Tatsumaki pointed over the goat, who's chewing on her clothes.

"Uh, you broke the door, so I think it's not possible to close.. it..." Superalloy noticed Tatsumaki's menacing stare at him. He jumped back a little. He saluted and straightened his posture as well.


3rd Person's POV

"Eheheheheh~" Kuki giggled. Her face is all red and she's wobbling.

"Kuki, you've had enough. You're already drunk." Saitama said as he tried to take the bottle from Kuki's hand.

"No! Itch mah burday so I do wat I whant!" She stood up, raising her bottle and started chugging it.

"Yeah! Dat's it. Dwink more!"

"Stop encouraging her to drink more, Tatsumaki!" Saitama said at the small girl, who's all red too. Saitama sighed and had a bright idea. "Let's play pillow fight. Girls vs boys." He grinned. "Sonic the cat, you team with me and Genos!" he said, pointing at the ninja-cat who's sitting on the corner.

"Why are you dragging me to play a stupid game? And don't call me 'Sonic the cat'!" He crossed his arms.

"Oh, Sonic doesn't want to play. Is it because he's too afraid to lose in a simple game?" After hearing this, Sonic reconsidered his decision.

"Alright, count me in." He stepped in line with Saitama and Genos.

"Wait, 2 versus 3? Isn't that unfair." Saitama looked at the two drunk girls.

"Are you saying us girls can't beat you?" Kuki said, annoyed, and still wobbling.

"We'll show you we can beat you boys!" Tatsumaki yelled.

"It's on!" The boys declared.


In the end, the girls won fair and square. Even when drunk girls can win over boys, huh. All of them we're tired, except Genos. Saitama took Kuki and was supposed to drop her off of her house, but Sonic insisted that he'll just do it.

"Alright, you drop Kuki on her house. We'll drop Tatsumaki on hers. Don't do anything stupid to her," Saitama said, looking at Sonic with a threatening look.

Sonic's POV

I jumped from roof to roof with Kuki on my arms. Surprisingly, she's not heavy. I thought that she's fat.

When I arrived at her house, I put her to her bed. Suddenly, I heard sobs. I looked at Kuki, who's crying.


I didn't do anything to her! Why is she crying though?

I slowly walked up to her side and brushed the tears from her face.

"S-sorry.." she mumbled. "I'm sorry... S—"

Sonic? Is she gonna say my name?

"It's fine. I forgive you for whatever reason you're apologizing," I said quietly, with a little smirk.

"I-I'm sorry... S-Shiro.." She stopped crying. I stood there. It's embarrassing, I thought it was my name! But who's this Shiro? Sounds like a boy's name. I heard Kuki waking up, so I immediately went out of her house.

Shiro... who's this Shiro?


Hey guys!! Actually, we're already at the middle of the story. I'm planning to make only less than 20 chapters. Cause I don't wanna make something that super long and in the end I'll get bored of writing it.

Behind the scenes~

Sugar: Sorry it took a while to publish the story. I was... busy..

Kuki: Busy? Last night I snuck up inside your room and saw you playing Undertale.... in the middle of the night! It was 12 midnight!

Sugar: Ssshhh!!

Kuki: Then last, last night, I saw you drooling over a poster of a skeleton with a blue eye.

Sugar: Sssshhh!! Kuki! U-uhh.. don't mind her. *whisper* She's craaaazzyy!

Kuki: I can hear you!

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