Prologue (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

Until someone screamed.

The spotlight slipped forward into the crowd, and the lights flickered to life. Every head swung in the direction of the sound, and my eyes locked onto the scene just was my father tumbled into the aisle, red seeping down his doublet. My mother's eyes were wide in horror. Her mouth opened in a terrifying shriek, but she was silenced as a sword plunged into her back from behind. Blood was everywhere and the crowds screamed, shouted, and shrieked in terror. Woman fainted. Some brave enough skirted the dead bodies on the floor, and ran up the stairs and out into the courtyard. Mass hysteria reigned, and I stood there, shocked like a silent statue, my violin hanging from my hands, the piece of music long forgotten.

Suddenly, Nanny was at my side, seizing my arm, and pulling me down the stage with the rush of musicians. The instrument fell from my hands as thought in slow motion, hitting the stage, and splintering into little pieces. My bow snapped.

"COME!" she yelled over the roar, and pulled me through the crowd.

"What's happening!" I screamed in terror when we'd reached the hall.

"War." was her one word answer, and I let myself be dragged down flight after flight of stairs, down corridor after corridor, deeper and deeper into the castle. Why I didn't question her was something I've asked myself a lot, but deep down I guess it boiled down to one thing. Trust.

We reached the servants wing and it flew by. All around me I heard shouts, screams, and clanks as though an immense battle was being fought off stage somewhere and we were running through a gigantic play.

I began to gasp, and abruptly she stopped. I rammed into her back, pulled into a room, and with a bang, she locked it the door. I slumped to the ground feeling the sticky tears flow down my cheeks. She dropped to her knees, her usually tan skin pale, her pupils dilated. After taking in a deep breath, and clutched my shoulder.

"You have to be brave to now Ayvee Lee. Mama and Papa aren't here to protect you anymore. I won't be either."

I looked up wildly, and pushed her away. "Who are you?" I shrieked. "What's happened to my parents?!?"

She sighed and ignored me.

"I want to know!" I demanded petulantly. 

She whirled on me with the first venom she'd ever shown during the thirteen years she'd been my nurse. "You know nothing! You are nothing but a pettish child who thinks more about your newest dolly than whether or not your own country is falling down around your ears. You know nothing about anything!"

My mouth dropped open just as someone banged on the door.

"I can hear ye little princesses. Don't think I won't puff and blow and until I can come in and eat ye all up." The voice was growly and unpleasant. She moved so fast I barely had time to gather my next breath. Grabbing my forearm, she led me toward her wardrobe and urged,"Get in."

"What!? No!" I screamed at her, but Nanny pushed me inside. The door slammed shut just as the one to the room crashed open.

"Where is she!!" he thundered, his boats making great stomps on the floor. I peered through a small crack between the two doors, wishing my vantage point allowed me to see more than vague shapes.

"I'm a servant. I have to no clue..." her voice shook, but she didn't finish what she was saying. He grabbed her throat.

"Where is the little princessa?" he spat in her face, and her hands clawed at his. "Tell me or I'll snap your neck and her's when I find her. Where is....umph!" I saw her heel kick his stomach, and she dropped to the stone. I heard a crack, and she choked out a scream as she rolled. Her shoulder was broken. I gasped.

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