Chapter 44

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Today was the day Harry and I figure out the gender of the baby so we can start building a nursery and shopping for clothes . 

I was currently showering by myself . I couldn't shower with Harry since the school year start . I have been comparing the experiences to my bullying and the bullying started just like it.
The reason i didn't shower with Harry is because i didn't want him to see my fresh scars.  I had lost control and started to cut were all of my healed scars had been.

I know if i told Harry he would do what he did last time.  Which by the way everyone was asking what he had went through . He cuts were so deep they had left some scars that would be their forever  . I felt bad because he would get asked that question forever  .

I guess i hadnt realised that i was crying until i could here Harry's foot steps coming closer to the bathroom door  .

" Maya . You okay"
" Yeah im fine"
" You sure i can hear your sobs all the way from downstairs"
" Im fine its just hiccups"
" Whatever you say"

I could here his footsteps again before i hear a slam .
I knew i had made him mad  but i couldnt find myself  confronting him while im in my condition . So i just sat on the tiled floors thinking about everything .


Harry Pov

I had been getting ready when i heard light sobs coming from upstairs.  I decided to go see if i was hearing right.

When i went up the stairs the sobs just increased and i was soon by the bathroom door .
" Are u okay "
" Yeah"
" You Sure"
" Yeah its just the hiccups "
" Whatever you say"

I walked away knowing she thought she had succeeded but i was angry.  She never told anyone about her feeling until it was to late.  I am not gonna feel guilty again . So i am angry at her lack of hope that i can fix things.

I left not knowing where i was going yet .


I had just gotten back from walking around  London . My anger had subsided and i was ready to see Maya again .

When i walked into  our room we were sharing . Maya was there and awake. She looked pissed when i walked .

" I missed my appointment because of you" she said breaking the silence

Shit !!! I forgot about that when she lied to me .
I stayed quiet and looked her up and down her body .
What caught my eyes were the fresh cuts on her thighs and arms but i looked away because i wanted to try something .

" Where were you " she asked breaking the silence once again
" Out"
" Where"
" Side "

I looked to her she looked beyond angry now and my anger that was once gone is now back for a different reason .

" Dont get smart with me where were you " she said getting up and walking towards me
" What were you cheating on me " she said smirking
" Maybe " i said

Her smile faded instantly . She was so gullible .

" Why " she said
I could see the tears forming in her eyes but i didnt care right now
Just like she had been lying i decided to lie too .
" Because" i said
" Because what , a pregnant girl isnt good enough for you "
" I guess not " i said i wanted to laugh at how much she was believing this shit

She looked at me he face dropped and she began to walk to the bathroom .
" Dont cut to deep" i said making her freeze in place
" What are you talking about i cant go in the bathroom to get away from your unfaithful ass"
" Youre so gullible "
" No im not"
" If you weren't you would not be going in the bathroom to harm yourself"
" I dont do that anymore " she said crossing her arms
" Stop Lying"
" Im not"

I decided to let it go

" What time is it "
" 3:00" she said she sounded relieved by i knew this wasnt over
" Lets Go"
" Were getting an ultrasound" i added

" Im gonna need you to lift up your shirt" Mr .Adams said to me

I lifted my shirt .

Something was off Mr. Adams jaw was slightly hanging and Harry jaw was clenched looking at my stomach .
What was wrong with my stomach .
" This might be cold and burn a little " Mr. Adams said
" Okay " i said


" Okay Thank you Mr. Adams " i said i looked to Harry he didnt seem happy i wonder why

" Whats Wrong" he didnt answer

Sorry for not updating sooner i was on writers block and i also have alot to do

State Testing is next week so i probably wont be updating on time


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