She calls me daddy too.

Start from the beginning

I swung a punch at him, knocking him into the wall. Then swung with my left, resulting in his head banging against it again. Which made the others alert of the situation. I grabbed his collar and kept punching him with my right hand, my left holding him in place. That was until two people ripped me off him and began to pull be away. But as they did I raised my leg, hitting him in the jaw.

"You don't know shit!" I barked. "Fuck you!"

I fought to get out of their grip, and because I couldn't my anger increased.

"Get the fuck off me!" I shouted.

I thrashed around in their arms and probably resembling a psychopath by now.

"Calm down!" Max told me.

"Who the fuck you telling to calm down!" I spat and the guys grip got tighter.

"Fine, have it your way." He said and walked away.

Before I could react, a guy ran over and hit me in my temple. Causing darkness to instantly take over.


"Aid." Someone called my name. "Aiden?"

I shifted around without opening my eyes and growled.

"Violet?" I groaned.

"Take another guess." The person laughed.

I shot up, gasping for air as a bucket of freezing cold water was poured on to me. Then once I had gotten my breathing under control, looked to see the girl who was calling my name.


"Hey baby." She winked.

"Where am I?" I asked.

"In your room.."

I looked around to see it was my room. Which was a good thing, so no one would have a problem with me getting out of these drenched clothes. I yanked my shirt off, and then the jeans I was wearing from last night.

"Yes?" I said as she stared at me.

"Just enjoying the view." She flirted.

I shrugged it off and went to my bathroom to turn on the shower. Then got in and quickly washed myself. As I did, I had time to think. I wondered if violet hated me for leaving her, or maybe she only told me she loved me in the heat of the moment.

It wasn't like it mattered now anyway. My deal with Max and the words I said last night had ruined any chance with her. But in my eyes, that was a good thing.

Her - Me = No pain.

"Aid?" Esme entered as I washed the soap out of my hair.

"Yes?" I answered and made sure the shower curtain concealed me. "Pass me a towel please?" I asked as I finished washing the soap off.

As I turned off the water, she passed me the towel. I wrapped it around my waist and was now stood in front of her. She eyed me up as if she wanted me right here. But I honestly wasn't in the mood. So I pushed past her and walked to my room, not bothering to say a word.

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