Part 2

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Alpha King Michael Throne

I woke up in a bright room adjusting my eyes to the light. Once my eyes where adjusted I glanced at my surroundings and noticed I was In An E.R room I almost, almost panicked until I saw the Jell-O and smiled.

I Noticed How Dead My Hair Seemed And I got up to take a shower. After I almost crawled back to the bed and when I coughed Once oh, my, shit balls my throat hurt so fucking much I ran to the cup of water.

I heard a door open while I was turned back to the nightstand drinking A Whole Pitcher of water until I heard "Cute Butt." I was Surprised but I didn't dare make a sound if I did you'll see a cart full of pitchers with water on its way to the room at this moment. I was thinking when I then remembered this is a backless hospital dress and I freaked.

I quickly grabbed the blankets and tied them onto me as a cacoon and ran out onto the hall way of the hospital. I didn't want to be in this butt showing place anymore so I signed myself out. And walked out of the hospital with no shoes I don't even know where my clothes are. Many looked at me questionably and all i could do was try to look the other way to avoid unwanted stares. I walked To Luliet High School which wasn't far for starters but i have my spare car keys on my necklace, which may sound weird but youtube life hacks are really coming in handy now because for example I have no Idea where my car keys are. (besides the one on my neck of-course)

I jumped in my Jeep thankfully I leave my wallet and other necessities in my Niki duffle under my car seat when I'm in school.

When I get home my family was calm and collected & I know they where called from the hospital because when I checked out the receptionist told me, but not one of them checked in or out and no one spared a moment to ask me if I was ok... but I'm used to it.

The Next day at school was rough the possy was after me all day and by lunch time I'm in my jeep and ready to go to my job at a Publix near by. when all of the sudden a knock on my window accured and I glanced curiously out the window to see the gorgeous shade of blue green eyes.

His Big hands pointed to put down the windows & so I did but when his aura came rushing into my Jeep all I knew was he was my mate and I was awe struck.

All he said was "I Michael Throne Reject You Rosetta Vin As my Mate And future Queen of all werewolf's."

My world stopped and I was having a hard time processing it until I decided I didn't want to be the victim anymore. It was weird, kinda like a fresh breath of air. It was clarity. I was tired of everyones shit I was so done with everyone and everything and suddenly I remembered something I knew his scent from somewhere before I just don't remember when or where but I remembered his scent on an object I found in the hospital room near my nightstand it was in my storage compartment because the scent had soothed me since yesterday. I reached for the necklace that had a heart and spelled Gabriella.

I shoved it into his hands. "Maybe since she made you happier you'd like this back." I snapped. "Oh and by the way I don't deserve a worthless mate like you so I Rosetta Vin Reject You As My Mate And Future King."

The Rest From There Was Me Stepping On A Gas Pedal Zooming Out Of The School On A Rampage. All I felt where the sparks left dancing on my hand from me shoving the necklace into his hands fading away because the connection is snapping between us.

I shot like a lightning bolt through the quiet streets and got to my house and entered my room sparing no one a glance. I grabbed 4 envelopes & 4 Pages Of Copy Paper.

Ryan~ So you where supposed to be my soldier my everything my brother but what you are is an evil conniving blood related son of a bitch, i've never figured out the lie you told our parents but know I in my own ink will never ever forgive you I wish upon you hell and grief such as what you've given me ever since I was a child.

Rachel~ Your a little bitch mom. Ive dreamed ever since you shut me out we could low key be that close mother daughter bond but it never happened because you were afraid of dad. in some small way I understand you but in this whole other way, I want to shut you out and make you feel like I never gave a 2 shits about you in my life just like you did to me.

Evan~ lets cut it short I hate you, your the worst father and I can give less than 2 shits about you thats why you dont even deserve that big of a 'go screw your self letter.'

Michael~ You where supposed to be my mate and in some small way you almost convinced me that I mattered but I hope you the best wishes chasing after the girl you really care about whose name goes by Gabriella. Besides you won't have too worry about me. I'm going far, far away. Farewell.

I Took down all the decorations in my room and tore it to pieces I grabbed some pictures of my once happy family and shredded them all. I put all my checks and bank cards along with ny cash and car keys in a pouch into my Niki Back Pack Along with whatever makeup and body products I owned I left my bathroom and dresser empty i packed clothes into my duffle and knowing because of the talk this morning everyone was at the most fancy restaurant around here named Heights.

I pinned the envelopes on my wall with black sharpie accentuating the names to who it belonged to and jumped in my jeep leaving the house key hanging from the door knob.

Im Going To Do POV next chapter for the letter readings and by part 4 Ill take you along the journey of Rosetta finding her way.

Xoxo~Ree 😻❤️🔐

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