Chapter 1

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Dipper Pines ventured home through the forest one chilly evening, the darkness rendering his search hopeless despite the faint glow of the moon piercing through the gnarled branches of the trees.He reached into his pocket of his navy blue jacket for his penknife when he heard a faint rustle coming from the shadows but found the weapon to be missing.Cursing silently, he continued his hike to the Mystery Shack; that is until he felt someone grab his shoulders and turn him around.

Dipper found himself face to face with a young man, who looked no older than Dipper, with deathly pale skin wearing a gold satin waistcoat over a pitch black suit, black silken gloves on his pale hands to hide his sharp talon-like nails and tall knee-high boots on his feet.

The man also wore a crown of bones around the rim of a black top hat.

Plus he was shrouded in a gothic black cape with a gold lining and a high collar, his platinum blonde hair was over one of his amber coloured eyes; those eyes were fixed on Dipper's own brown orbs.
Dipper tried to squirm away but found himself under the spell of the stranger's hypnotic gaze.

His eyelids slowly slid closed and his body went limp, the last thing he saw before total darkness was the man's sinister looking smile; a pair of fangs could be seen in his grin.

This man was no human, but was known as Bill Cipher the Grand High vampire of Gravity Falls and the most feared entity in this town.

Bill peered at the sleeping teen in his arms, tilting Dipper's head slightly to expose his neck.

Without warning Bill exposed his sharp fangs and bit Dipper, draining the male's body of metallic-scented crimson blood.

He then lay Dipper down on the ground and waited his transformation.

Around midnight when the moon was at its highest (its beams allowing solace for the nocturnal creatures) Dipper began to stir.

His body felt strangely cold as if he had been in a morgue for days.

What was most strange was he no longer looked like himself, he seemed to resemble that of a corpse.

He had pale skin and dark shadows around his ruby red eyes, his fingernails were sharper and his ears were slightly pointed.

What's more was his two canine teeth had elongated into sharp fangs.

"Ah, you've awakened, Pine Tree" echoed the chilling voice of Bill.

Dipper gasped, backing away and standing upright as he trembled violently.
"W-what did you do to me? Who even ARE you?!" Dipper choked out.
The grand high vampire laughed softly, the mere sound sending icy chills up Dipper's spine.
Something else was present in his being. Some kind of thirst....for blood.

He wanted it. No, he DESIRED it so badly!

Bill smirked, seeing Dipper lick his parched blue lips, knowing the bloodlust had started to form.

"I, Pine Tree, am Bill Cipher" Bill stated.

Dipper's crimson eyes widened.

"You mean Bill Cipher as in 'the head vampire' Bill Cipher?" he asked, watching the blonde with fascination. Bill confirmed this with a single nod.

"My apologies for startling you, Dipper. But now you've become one of my kind" Bill told Dipper, who glared with hatred.

"I feel so honored(!)" Dipper said sarcastically, his glare never fading.
Bill Cipher wore a glare of his own and grabbed Dipper by the throat, ramming him forcefully against a tree.

"Watch it, Pines. Just because we are of the same species doesn't mean I won't hesitate to fight or even kill you! Under my rule, I have the power to kill any rogue vampires or any traitors to my kind! I've mercilessly butchered many souls for centuries, so don't even think I'm letting a fresh-bitten vampire hold power over me! Do I make myself clear?!" Bill spat.
Becoming too frightened to utter a single word, Dipper nodded frantically, Bill's fingers on his new bite marks sending excruciating pain through his cold body.

Once Dipper was released, he rubbed at where Bill had choked him; Bill watched in amusement.
"Well, now that I have your full attention...I will train you so you get used to your new powers in exchange for your alliance and loyalty, Pine Tree." Bill continued, his amber eyes flickered over Dipper's new form.
"Are you prepared to join me?"
Dipper looked at Bill. "Yes."

"Yes what?" Bill pressed.

Dipper knelt on the ground, bowing his head respectively.

"Yes my lord" he answered.
Both vampires walked to the castle in the valley, on Northwest Hill.

Back at the Mystery Shack, Mabel looked out of the window of her and Dipper's bedroom, seeing the vampires walk near the shack into the shadows.

Once Bitten (a Billdip story, vampire AU)Where stories live. Discover now