Chapter 30 Madness

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Chapter 30 Madness

Lady Katharina was fuming in her bedroom that morning. The servants were packing her clothes and jewels to forward her leave. She couldn't believe what was happening to her. She walked back and forth in the room tumbling down tables, books and anything that interposed in her sight. The blonde yelled at the servants who didn't fear her anymore. The news of her impromptu leaving ran through the castle like the Black Death. She wouldn't marry the prince and she was not welcome anymore in the realm.

Katharina just couldn't believe what was happening to her. Disgrace fell upon her just because of that filthy singing maiden. She cursed her name one time after another. But she knew she was lucky of not being imprisoned or hung. However she needed to do something. That Amalthea from the dirty woods would not win this battle, Alasther wouldn't be hers either.

The beauty blonde was mounting the carriage. Four guards of the Black Armada were escorting the chariot. A female servant carried the letter that explained everything to the King of Cadocia. Nobody gave farewells her or good-byes. She would live the castle as a non grata person... You would now who is Katharina of Cadocia. Nobody rejects me or humiliates a Cynbel. I swear my vengeance will make suffer more than one. I will take everything and everybody in my way without measuring the consequences... and you poor Amalthea of the dirty woods will know who I might become when somebody stands in my way. Nobody steals something from me and lives to tell. This time your voice would be extinguished forever and your soul will be buried by Hecate!- All the way to Cadocia she cursed and blamed Amalthea.


Jocelyn opened the door as she invited Lord Roderick to enter.

-"It is incredible what you are telling me, Lord Roderick. I can believe a person could do so much harm just for jealousy. But fortunately that Lady Katharina will be far away from my Am, and her evil soul could never touch again my girl... But, please, take a sit. I will tell Am you came to visit her."-

A moment after, Jocelyn, Am... and Maik, entered the living area. Both the hunter and the duke exchanged severe looks. The duke swiftly stood up to greet Amalthea. He grabbed her hand and gave her a kiss, not without giving a stern glare to Maik, who was not much more happy with the duke's presence at Am's cottage.

-"My sweet Amalthea, I hope you feel better today."- Am nodded and smiled politely. Lord Roderick continued talking.-"I came to bring you some news. The responsible of your illness was in fact Lady Katharina. She visited a witch named Lilura and bought a potion to kill you." - Am's face changed colors. She almost fainted for the impression. She sat down and held her chest in obvious shock. -"But you don't have to fear my dear. I found out everything and I went to see the king to put him in advice. He immediately gave the order of exile Lady Katharina and she would never come back to Abhainn. You would never see that wrecked woman again in your life."-

Am's face drew a thin smile... of relief? The duke now was thinking if telling Am about everything was a wise decision after all. He regretted what he had just done. He let her know the prince was free of engagements and was able to... Wait... You don't know if she is in love with him yet. That's ridiculous! Am hadn't given any sign of being in love with Alasther. She had been polite and respectful with the royal family, that's it! Stop searching ghosts in the light. You are becoming succumbing to madness!- Lord Roderick told to himself. He returned to reality to see that everyone was looking at him like saying "what".

Am hugged her Mamah. She felt safe at home. Nobody could touch her there. Maik stepped beside mom and daughter as he spoke.-"Am, I think you are safer here, in the village, where everybody loves you. Out there you would only find evil and mad people that envy you and would cause you only suffering."

The duke caught in the air the indirect direct thrown by Maik and he gave him a severe glare. Maik smiled triumphantly. Jocelyn was observing the silent duel between the two gentlemen in her living room and she needed to do something to stop it.

-"I do not want to be rude gentlemen, but I think there are too many emotions for one day. I think it is time for her to rest."- Am gave both Maik and Lord Roderick a mocking pout face. Maik immediately spoke.-"Um, yes.. I think I should go. I've been here for hours with Am. Tomorrow I will leave very early for the hunting. Good bye Am. Good bye Jocelyn... Lord Roderick."- Maik made an expression of courtesy and left the cottage.

-"Yes, I think it is time to depart too. It is a long ride to Lannishire. I just wanted to inform you what had happened... Am, Lady Charlotte wants you to know that she desires you promptly recuperation. She wants to see you again in Lannishire... Well, take care both of you my ladies."- Lord Roderick kissed both women in their hands and left short after.


Am was sitting on the bench made by some exposed roots of the willow tree in the back of her cottage. She was trying to digest all the sudden news she had received. At least she could read in silence and think without disturbances. Mamah left to the market early in the morning, her friends were doing laundry, Maik was in his hunting expedition... and she could not talk.

Am was resting her back in the trunk of the tree somewhat reading, somewhat thinking about Maik, Lord Roderick and the prince... this last one occupied her thoughts more than the other two... He is not going to get married now. She sighed as she thought. Am closed her eyes as she remembered that dream, when she was very ill in the castle. She recalled the words of the prince confessing his love and then that sweet kiss... She felt it was real... so real. Am touched her lips and opened her eyes slowly and she almost died when that figure appeared in front of her... It was the prince himself in front of her eyes... and he was real... too real.

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