Chapter 21: Silence

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- 15 Weeks Pregnant -

It had been a week.

We were all over the news. Everybody was talking about us, about her.

Justin had been avoiding his management, but they had forced him to come into a meeting today. He left early this morning and left me with his mom. So now we were here, waiting for him to come home with news and getting more and more worried about how late he was.

"Did he tell you what it was about?" Pattie asked me.

I shook my head, "Only that it was about our," I used my fingers to make air quotes, "Stunt."

She smiled, "I thought it was brave."

"It was Justin's idea." I blushed at the thought of the picture.

"But its your body that everybody is staring at." She reached across the kitchen table and grabbed my hand, "You're a very strong woman and I'm very proud of you both."

I smiled and placed a hand on my tummy. The TV had been off all day because everybody was talking about us. Every commercial break, our names were mentioned and my bare skin was shown. It was embarrassing, but it made me proud.

"What did you mom say?" Pattie asked, snapping me out of my trance, "About your announcement, I mean."

"She loved it." I laughed, "Everybody did. My friend Krystal called me to tell me how I'm a-" I paused, not wanting to say Bad Ass near my boyfriends mother.

"Bad ass?" She laughed, "Honey, don't be afraid to be yourself. I don't mind a cuss word here or there."

I felt my face go a little red, "Sorry," I laughed, "I don't want you to think I'm a bad person."

"Unless you kill people and Rob banks, I'm sure you're a decent human being. Nobody is perfect so don't try to fit into the standard." She was so full of wisdom for somebody so young.

I nodded and smiled, "I guess you're right,"

"Of course I am." She laughed. Then the door swung open and Justin walked into the house.

"How'd it go?" I jumped out of the chair and he looked over to me.

He quickly shrugged, "It was fine."

"What did they say?"

"Not a lot."

I noticed he wasn't making eye contact with me, "Talk to me. What happened?"

"I have to go to the bathroom." He quickly mumbled and then left the room.

I glanced back at Pattie and she shrugged. I should follow him, right? But what if he didn't want to talk to me? What if they dropped him?

I stopped myself from thinking anything worse and followed him upstairs and into our room. He had left the bedroom door open, but closed the bathroom door. I closed the bedroom door behind me as I walked in and then made my way to the bathroom, knocking lightly on the door.

"Justin?" I mumbled, "Talk to me, please?"

"I just need a few minutes, Okay?" He sounded panicked, "Just leave me alone for a little while."

"I want to talk about what happened."

"Nothing happened," His voice was shaking, "They wanted to talk about what to do next. It has nothing to do with you, just go away, please."

I didn't want to argue with him but I didn't want him to have to deal with this alone. If there was a problem, it was both of ours to deal with.

"Of course it has something to do with me," I mumbled, "Can you open the damn door so we can talk?"

"I told you I didn't want to talk!" He shouted at me.

He had never yelled at me before. We had never yelled at each other before. I figured it would be a while before we got to that point but I guess not.

I wasn't sure what to say, if anything. So I stayed quiet, "Okay," I whispered and turned around. I left the room quietly and closed the door. I didn't want him to be mad at me so now the most I could do was give him space, right?

I sat on the top stair and pulled my phone out of my pocket, sending Krystal a quick SOS text and waiting for her call. When my phone started to ring I answered it and went outside.

"I'm freaking out," I whispered into the phone.

"Why, what happened? Trouble in paradise?"

"He locked himself in the bathroom and yelled at me." I mumbled, "What do I do?"

"Is he the pregnant one?" She quickly asked, "No? Didn't think so. Tell him to grow up. He has 5 months left to be a moody teenager but then he has a little girl to take care of."

I bit my lip. She was right, I guess.

"He may have a lot going on right now, but you went from a nobody to the Soon-To-Be Mother of Justin Bieber's bastard child, no offence."

I shrugged, "None taken,"

"I'm just trying to say that you're a million miles away from everything you know as normal. He cant be acting that way when He has everything and you have nothing."

I nodded. I knew she was right. The most I could get right now was a phone call from my best friend. I hadn't hugged her in way too long and my mom was nowhere near me for comfort.

"I have to go," She mumbled, "But I love you. Call if you need me, Okay?"

"Okay," I felt like I was going to cry. She was right and I missed her so much, "Love you." Then I hung up before I started tearing up.

I felt so alone. I wanted my mom. I wanted my best friend.

I wanted something familiar.

I wanted to go home.

I tried my best to push the thought away but it didn't work. It was stuck there.

I really wanted to go home.


I heard the front door open but didn't lift my head to see who it was.

When I saw his shoes I lifted my head just enough to spot his eyes staring down at me. He sighed and reached for my hand, "I'm sorry." He whispered, "I shouldn't have yelled at you."

I shrugged. I would tell him it was okay, because it wasn't. He's right, he shouldn't have yelled at me.

"I'm just a little stressed right now,"

I rolled my eyes, "Tell me about it,"

He nodded, "Okay, I deserved that." then he bit his lip, "I need to ask you something, and I don't want you to freak out."

I turned to him and frowned, "Then stop putting it off and just ask me."

He sighed, reached into his pocket and pulled out a small velvet box. As he flipped it open he sighed,

"Marry me."

Yours Mine & Ours (Book 1 of 4) (Justin Bieber Love Story) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now