Amnesty Gray - Chapter 8

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Here comes the second chapter!!! :D


Chapter 8

Amnesty does not like being snuck up on. I tried it once, but she whirled around with, like, a knife in her hand! I wanted to know where she got it from, but she made me swear not to tell anyone. I thought it was kind of cool, but she started crying, she started saying things like ‘You were never meant to know.’ Whatever that means.” - Amanthe, sister

By the time we got through appetizers, mains, dessert and after dinner coffee and were finally on to the card games portion of the evening, I was fed up completely with the cover. I’d managed to sneak another Pryliscerone when my shoulder started acting up and no one was looking, but God I was in more pain than you could imagine. I was expected to make small talk with ‘our guest’ Daniel. Do you know how much I despise small talk? Immensely! I want to murder it! But I knew my mom would murder me if I didn’t. 

So now I looked down at my cards, placed one down and picked up another. Looking around at my laughing, smiling family I wondered how they could be so normal. How could they have what I didn’t? I wondered what they would do if they knew how many weapons I had on my body right at this moment. I wonder they would react if they knew what I could do with them...

But I smiled at their innocent faces, then looked down at the small watch on my wrist.

“Oh dear, is that the time? I really must be off to do homework, I’m afraid,” I said, laying down my cards and standing up form the table. “Thank you for dinner, ma.”

“Oh, do you really have to go right now?” My mother looked up at me with puppy dog eyes. “I feel like we haven’t seen you in weeks.”

You haven’t, I almost said, but I fixed my face with a smile. “I know, its just that I’m a senior now and I have so much work to do to make sure I get a good GPA to get into an Ivy League.”

“You’re right, dear,” my father said gruffly, the most he’d said all night. “Thank you for spending time with us this evening.”

“You’re welcome, father,” I said, walking over and kissing his temple. “Well, I’m off. Au revoir sisters!”

With that I skipped up the stairs as fast as I could and closed my bedroom door behind me. Woah, I hadn’t been in this room in weeks! I looked around once before going to the wardrobe and pulling out a duffel bag. I filled it with a tracksuit and a couple of dresses and pairs of shoes that I may have needed on the next Earth mission. Then I turned around and called softly.


A soft shadow began to crawl out from underneath my broad bed. It moulded itself into the shape of a girl which stood before me. She opened her eyes.

Or should I say my eyes.

“Hello, darling,” I said comfortably. “How was your week?”

“Pretty good,” she said softly, an exact echo of my own voice. “You’ve got plenty of homework. Mr Lawson said you weren’t speaking up in class and contributing enough so you have to do extra.”

“Bastard,”  I said under my breath. “Well, what subjects have we got homework for?”

“You’ve got an English assignment on Feminism, an Art Interpretation piece to finish, some History Imperialism homework and a ton of Chemistry homework for Mr Lawson.”

“Ouch,” I said, rummaging through my bag to make sure I’d remembered a couple of extra pencils. Apparently the Other World do not make pencils. Only quills. Stupid idiots. “Well, I’ll take the Chemistry homework, and I’ll write up a draft for the English assignment, if I can fax them both to you and you can fix up any mistakes. You can do the History and Art, you’re better at Art anyways. Where’s the stuff I need?”

“Just on your desk,” she said, walking over to it and picking up the papers I needed. 

“Thanks Amnesty, you’re doing a great job.” She nodded and smiled in appreciation. “But do speak up in class, I don’t want any more homework from Lawson.”

“As you wish,” she said softly, her eyes downcast.

“Hey, is, uh, something wrong?” I said, pausing in putting my homework in my bag.

“No,” she sighed. “But - don’t you, you know, miss it? Miss your real life?”

I recoiled in shock. Where the hell did that come from? “Uh, wow, Am, I never thought a robot could get all philosophical on me. But uh, no, not really. This is my ‘real’ life now, I guess. There’s no way I can get out of it. I’m stuck.” I shrugged nonchalantly.

“But don’t you miss your friends? What about Daniel? I’ve seen the way he looks at you -”

“Woah, no. Amnesty, stop right there. You’re freaking the hell out of me. I don’t miss it, ok? Bottom line. Now go do some homework or something. Mom’s going to be up to check on us in a minute.”

“As you wish,” Amnesty said softly, nodding and walking over to the desk, turning on the light and sitting down. I shook my head in bewilderment and walked over to the window. With an expertise only achieved through vast amounts of practice, I threw my duffel bag out the window and swung my legs onto the window sill. I heard Amnesty whisper a soft good luck before I leapt down and fell into a crouching pose. I retrieved my duffel bag from the shrub next to me and ran off into the night. 

Consulting Des’ directions in the dim light, I set off for the wood next to my family’s home. Portals weren’t allowed in the human world; there was too high a possibility of a human stumbling on one. So there were only portals available to a select few travelling into the human world and not out. The doors could only be seen by those who had clearance to see them or if they were already open, which made it so vital for us that we closed them as soon as we opened them. Which made what I had done earlier so dangerous...

I was about ten minutes into my short hike and five minutes away from where the door should be when I heard the footsteps. They were so damn loud, a snake could hear it. I quickened my pace, making my feet fall as quietly as they could, and could hear my stalker quicken theirs. Damnit. I began to run through the forest without regard for noise, hearing my follower crash through the undergrowth behind me. At the rate I was going, I reached the clearing which contained the door in under two minutes, and I was barely out of breath. I was about to sprint to the door, whisper the password and escape into the safety of the Other World when something in me snapped. For God’s sake, I was Amnesty Grey! I am the valedictorian of the Academy of the Hidden class of 2008, thank you very much! I didn’t run away from a fight. I never backed down and I certainly did not damn well give up. I spun around, throwing my bags to the floor and sliding into an attacking position. Whoever they were, they were certainly not getting me to open the door so they could attack me, knock me out and sidle into the Other World of their own accord. Not this time. I glared at the shadow who smashed through the brush, panting and sliding to a stop before me, eyes wide.

Oh God.



Hope you got a feeling of what Amnesty does to cover herself at home while she's off saving the 'Other' world :D

VOMMENT!!! xxx

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