Show Yourself to Me - III

396 17 4

(Song: MAMACITA - Super Junior)

I don't know what's wrong with me. First, I subconciously interpereted what was happening in the painting (drove me INSANE). Second, I also unknowingly communicated with a man named Key and his friends. And last, but not least, I ate a piece of raw flesh.

Yeah, you heard me right.



I enjoyed it, oddly enough. The consistancy of the tissue was like spaghetti, and the blood was like an entire feast of goods pulled into a crimson fluid. Ms. Fi was talking about how it'll help with my training. What training? Is a war here or something? I started eating the flesh more comfortably now, and I decided to tell Ms. Fi where I wanted to go. I want to go to the woods that were right outside the east side of the town. The forest was so beautiful in the daytime, and I used to walk around there for something to do. However, I don't go there at night, now. On the news, one day, there was a report about many dead bodies found. All of their blood was drained, hence the pale and mushy skin. All of the bodies were identified as young girls and boys, none of them older than 25, who lived on the east side and traveled around the edge of the forest to get to school, go shopping, etc. They also said that the dead bodies are probably connected to the 9-1-1 calls made by residents about screaming and someone lurking in the forest.

"I want to go to the forest...the one on the east side of town." I heard her gasp a little, but she stifled it so that I wouldn't be able to tell, which I was. She turned to me with her eyes as wide as dinner plates, and I can tell, she's practically begging me not to go there. "Why would you want to go there? It's going to get dark, soon. Maybe in the morning I can-" I interrupted her.

"I had a priminitive dream about a group of men who seemed my age that were kitsunes and had powers. One of them introduced them all. His name was Kibum, or Key for short. They wore the same thing I have on right now, but they changed into changshans. Key said that we needed to discuss more important matters, though I wasn't paying attention to what he said. Then he said that we'll meet again under the same circumstances soon. Now I have an urge to get to that forest. I need to go there now."

I didn't bother to say sorry because I was mad at her for some unknown reason. I feel a lot of anger and bitterness inside of me. I think I need to eat more...more flesh...

????? P.O.V
I smiled slightly at my mate. Watching him gather his anger to feast is so heart warming. Once he calms, he'll pass out from sudden loss of his energy.

Then I can have him...

...all to myself...

I slowly licked my baby pink lips, imagining how sweet his lips will taste when pressed to mine. My messy, white hair was in the way of total vision, but I didn't care. His figure is making me undress him with my dark eyes. With him in his tattered, revealing clothes, I want to leave all kinds of hickeys all over him and his perfect skin. The event in his classroom was a little interesting, since I haven't seen a powerful burst like that in 3,000 years... Most mates have weak outbursts, like cracking the wall in anger, setting an enemy's underwear on fire accidentally, sneezing out a gust of wind, and so on and so forth. Oh, but my little yeonin is a fighter... Something I love so dearly. A need for blood is out of the question compared to my lust for what's mine to be under me...








3rd Person P.O.V
After Jimin explained to Ms. Fi about the forest, he suddenly got a harsh pain in his stomach. 'I need to eat... I need more flesh!' Jimin jumped up from his bed and rushed to the door, only to be stopped by Ms. Fi's hand gripping his wrist. He doesn't know how she was able to catch him so quickly, but he wanted to go to the forest. So, he paid her no mind. "Let me go, Ms. Fi."

"I don't think I can do that, Jimin." She attempted to bring him back to the bed, but she was stopped by a stranger, who took Jimin's wrist and scissor kicked her so hard that she slid to the other side of the room on her side, knocking her out cold. The stranger turned to face the shaken Jimin, and instantly pinned him against the door with his arms above his head. "Aw~ My little peach is scared of me." Their faces were so close the stranger's lips brushed against Jimin's. Jimin's pair of chocolate orbs never wavered from the strangers dark, silver ones. "W-What are you doing?" The latter merely chuckled at Jimin's stuttering, but suddenly stopped with a straight face. "Oh, don't be dumb." In mid-sentence he grinded his hips on his mate's, earning a whimper from a pair of soft, parted lips.

"Please...Don't hurt me-"

"I would never my angel. But if you don't want me to hurt you...what about you're friends? I bet they're worried sick for you!"

"N-No! Don't hurt them! They didn't do anything wro- Mmph!" The stranger covered Jimin's mouth with his hand.

"Then let's get home, shall we? We have a lot of things to uncover."

You Are Always Mine [Vamp!V]xJiminWhere stories live. Discover now