Chapter 5 - Somehow I Got Your Love

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Obito blinked repeatedly trying to figure where he was until he figured he was in Madaras bedroom. From the sounds of the man beside him in the covers sleeping. His deep breathing made the boy glance to his right and the boy innocently stared at the man. He face was stern even in his sleep which made Obito smile to himself. But something else appeared different. The way his eyes shut expressed a relaxed, peaceful and somewhat childly innocent. Obito slowly rose up and reached for his shirt on the foot of the bed, not wanting to wake his mentor. Madara groaned and turned to lay on his stomach with one leg up. Obito hoped he wasn't awake because the child was heading early to visit the village without anyone knowing. The boys heart began to beat a little faster in worry. He knew he needed to leave now and without Madara catching him. Obito stared back at the man whose back was facing him. His thick hair almost allursome. The black strands messily lay on the pillow and almost carved the outline of his back. His broad, round shoulder rose to hold the pillow. The more the boy stared the more he felt like any moment now Madara would flinch at him. Probably in a choke hold.

The thought shivered Obito. But he glared and pouted his lips, 'No way am I not going to leave smoothly.' His mind spoke. And with that he slowly slid off the bed hoping his small weight wouldn't make a difference when it leaves the mattress. No. The weight of countless comforting slaves in many different shapes and designs would express the transition...They linger.

Obito slipped his shirt on and slowly tiptoed his way to the door. Looking back the entire way, Obito held the knob watching the man. Obito suddenly had an idea. He could slip through the walls. Now that is another handy jutsu for a silly reason. Obito smirked softly to himself watching as he slowly placed one foot through the wall and his arm halfway through the gray concrete. Staring back with wide eyes thinking if Madara could sense his jutsu is being activated, if that was even possible. Obito swallowed and slid closer, his long hair swiftly passed through as he was swallowed into the other room. Leaving the creature undisturbed in his sleep. Dreams of passion, desire, fear or a beautiful adventure played in his sleep. Probably an empty aimless space in his mind, the question hindered Obito slightly. Obito came across one thing: he didn't know if dreams could be practiced in a place like this.

Obito went to the main room where he picked up his black cape from his bed, hanging on the top end. He pulled his hoodie up, he didn't bring anything else along as he went for the front wall to pass through.

"Is he going somewhere...?" Zetsu mumbled to Swirly who hung from the ceiling as well, "Mmmm..." He groaned in concern stuffing candy.

Obito almost felt tears grow in his eyes. Staring with wide eyes in awe of the early morning orange sun gleaming far across the still half dark forest. The sky was lighting up from layers of dark blue to light yellow. The morning air not to mention, Obito has never felt in years. The child has never felt so alive. It was slightly chilly and his thin legs grew chills beneath his cape. But the view was warming and welcoming so he didn't let the chill bother.

"Rin..." Obito softly spoke. The name on his lips made tears stream down his cheeks. "Kakashi.." He quietly sobbed to himself. This sudden outside embrace overwhelmed him of the outside world which he was once a part of. Now the exposure is somewhat unfamiliar. Obito clenched his fists, "I day..Come back.." His mind spoke. He opened his eyes as the tears remained on his face, staring up at the sky he felt almost lifted. "Konaha...I miss..My hometown." The thought of his village began painting memories in his mind. Obito sniffed and wiped his face, "Can't wait to see life.." He spoke to himself. Obito was going to be a shadow in the village, raoming around as a stranger as he takes in his old reality back. He knew that when he goes to see the village again it will bring his devotion for power to grow rapidly with fire. And what is more comforting than a sweet reflection shinning back with memories?

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