"Shit. If she went out this door, why wasn't security notified?" I asked her in confusion.

"Because she didn't go out through the door," Talia replied and walked into the room closest to the door. When I saw the open window, I knew exactly what she meant. I inhaled deeply, tasting all of the scents in the room. 

Kieran confirmed what I already knew, "She was alone."

"That's one good thing. At least we know another vampire didn't take her," Talia supplied.

My eyes were hard as I nodded.  That just left the terrain and I couldn't search for her for another six hours. I growled in frustration, "Fuck!"

Both of them waited for my next order.

"We're going to your quarters to wait," I said as I looked toward Kieran.

He raised an eyebrow.

I knew he was confused that I hadn't chosen mine, but Ella was already there to notify me if Raine returned.  And on the off-chance that Raine decided to come back on her own, she might seek out Kieran, not me. That thought made my eyes shift to crimson.  I spun and walked away, leaving them to follow me.


I had paced Kieran's living quarters for hours, cursing the sun the entire time. We had one hour left before we could safely leave.  My phone rang, interrupting my furious thoughts. I snatched it quickly and was confused to see it was from an unknown number. For just an instant, I was hopeful that Raine had somehow found a phone and called me. However, in the next instant I recalled that she didn't have my phone number, because I hadn't given her a phone. Fuck.

I answered it, "What?!"

The voice on the other end didn't seem surprised at my aggression. It was a voice I knew well and had purposefully not programed his number into my phone. It wouldn't be a good idea considering he was a spy for us in the Hunter's territory.  His words chilled me to the bone, "The Hunters are on the move. I don't know why or for what. But the atmosphere here is fierce. Hayden assembled a task force of ten and left. I don't have specifics but I did hear they were heading toward the Alpine Village."

He hung up without further details.

Fuck, fuck, fuck!

The Alpine Village was the nearest populated town. It was in the direction of the mountains, but would still take days for a human to reach it on foot.  But that wasn't the worst part, by far. This could not be happening. No, instead of just wild animals, now she had a task force of Hunters tracking her?!!

That thought caused almost paralyzing fear. I struggled to control the rage vibrating through me.

"How do the Hunters know?!" Kieran breathed in shock, having heard the conversation on the phone, without me needing to relay it.

I ground my teeth together, "Obviously, we are not the only ones with spies on the other side. And they have a significant jump on us."

"There are eleven of them, Cage. Will three of us be enough if we encounter them? Obviously, they are not going to abide by any treaty rules when it comes to her." Talia said worriedly.

"It's going to have to be enough. I cannot risk Armand learning until I know exactly what is happening," I replied tightly.

The next forty-five minutes were the longest in my life. We had gone back down to the exit Raine accessed and decided to use the same window, instead of the door, so that we also did not alert security. I wondered how she knew about the security. But obviously I had seriously underestimated her on more than one level.

The instant we could move, we shot out the window and into the woods. We followed her scent until it veered to the right, clearly not in the direction of the village. We slowed for just a moment. Talia asked, "Should one of us head toward the village while the other two continue with her scent?"

It was good strategy, but not when there were Hunters in play. The ratio of eleven to three was bad enough. And I was fairly certain we were going to run into their best fighters. I answered quickly, "No, we stick together."

We hit the water next and her scent ended.

Fuck, she was too smart for her own damn good.

If I didn't already know the village she wanted to get to, ending her trail could have effectively slowed me down. As it was, we cleared the water with an easy leap and then drifted along it. She had to get out at some point. Quick quickly, we had it again and continued inward toward the village.

As we drifted silently, I was amazed that she had had the endurance to get this far in such a short period of time. We were deadly quiet now as we moved, knowing it was likely we would encounter the Hunters at some point.

Suddenly, I smelled them.

And Raine's scent continued in the same direction.

Fuck, if they killed her already, I would slaughter them all!

I Am Only One {Mature Vampire Romance}Where stories live. Discover now