Thirty Three

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I woke up and went straight down stairs in one of Harry's shirts,I was home alone, I ate some cereal and Harry came in,
E "where did you go?" I put my bowl in the dish washer and sat on the counter
H "ah no where" he stood in front of me and kissed me, when he pulled away I noticed that his eyes were very red like he was high
E "what's wrong with your eyes?"
H "nothing" I hug him and smell his shirt, weed
E "you stink of weed!...are you high!"
H "no!"
E "don't fucking lie to me!" I push at his chest
H "fine I had a little bit"
E "that's disgusting" I jump down off the counter and walk out of the kitchen, I go upstairs and change, I go back downstairs
E "I'm going out!...text me when you've sobered up!" I give him attitude
H "why you going out?"
E "I don't want to be around you while you high it's vile!" I close the door and walk next door to my mums, I let myself In and slouch on the sofa watching tv, my mum wasn't in so I went shopping instead, I looked through the makeup isles at boots, scanning the shelves, a lght tap on my shoulder shakes me, I quickly turn around alerted, to find daisy standing behind me, I roll my eyes at her
D "can we please talk?" I turn round and ignore her
D "why are you so mad at me?" I continue to look at the makeup
D "I just want to resolve this!"
E "leave me alone...there it's resolved...if you stay away from me I won't hurt you because what sounds really good to me right now is my fist destroying your face right now" she sighs angrily
D "what the fuck have I done?"
E "you told me not to go back to the person I was and then you went and fucking got off with Harry!"
D "your mad at me kissing Harry when I was drunk!"
E "you wasn't drunk, your never drunk you drink half of your drink and then pretend to be tipsy for knew exactly what you was doing and now your going to pay for it!"
D "I don't get why you're back with Harry now anyway" I look at her concerned
E "how do you know about that?"
D "fans have seen you together...its every where, Instagram, Twitter, the news, everyone is talking about it, about Yano the pictures of him with other girls and then getting back with you, they wonder why you two split or if you did even split" I make my way to the till and pay for my stuff, leaving her to follow behind, I pay for my stuff and then leave the shop
D "Ella!"
E "I'm done talking to you!...just stay away from me and Harry!" I make my way to my car in the car park, I get in the drivers seat and put my bag and the passenger seat, I start the engine and drive off past her, I drove back to Harry's, he was sat on the sofa asleep, I went upstairs put my stuff away and done some chores, when he finally woke up, I sat down next to him
E "Are you okay?"
H "yeah"
E "I'm sorry for shouting at you earlier" I cuddle into him, I felt really bad, he works grad and never gets time to relax
H "it's fine babe your only looking out for me" he sat up and I crawled on top his lap, he started kissing at my neck, we just sat there, kissing, snuggling, I fallen for him even harder,and if this time it doesn't work out, it's going to kill me.

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