The kitchen had the wonderful yet familiar aroma of food in it. Today for breakfast is soya/vegetarian sausages, some sweetcorn and scones. I eat my sweetcorn and sausages together before devouring the delicious scone.

My brother and I collect the plates and leave them in the sink. Just as I roll up my sleeves my brother tells me that's it's fine and that he'll do the dishes.

Well fine, if he insists. I keep my sleeves down but I still want to help. I grab a dishcloth from a draw and come back to my brother. Just as he puts a dish in the rack I take it off and dry it.

"What are you doing ?" My brother asks in a funny tone.

"I'm helping. " I reply. He only goes back to washing.

Penny gets up and she takes the plate from me, since she knows our house so well, she knows where every thing goes. She puts all the dishes away.

It doesn't take that long at all so we're done after a few minutes. Martijn's phone rings. He excuses himself and then wakes up and answers it. Hmm, I wonder who that could be.

I'm still just a little bit sleepy,, I wish I could go back to sleep. "Rose ?" Martijn says as he's by the kitchen entrance. I raise my eyebrows and look at him. He nods his head toward next to him.

I get the message and walk over to him, "Yes ?" I asked, not really knowing what to expect. "I have to go. " he says and has a dreaded look on his face, my heartbeat picks up.

"Now ? But the funeral is today..." I look at him.

"My manager wants me to go over to studio and wants to have a little rehearsal. " he sighed and held my hands.

"I'll be back in time for the funeral, I promise. " he held my head with his left hand and kissed my forehead. I nodded at him, "Just be safe please. " I said to him and took his hand and squeezed it.

"Always. I love you. " he said and smirked and leaned down to steal a kiss.

"I love you too" I said.

We walked back to the kitchen and he apologized to everyone and said that he had to go. Raj and Penny just nodded. Mom spoke and said that it's fine.

He went upstairs to get is bag and stuff and then came back down. "I'll walk you out. " I smiled at him. He smiled back at me.

I hugged him when we were outside, he did his best to hug me back considering he had a suitcase in his hand, a laptop bag slinging from his shoulder and his headphone's case in his other hand.

He decided to just put his suitcase and headphone's case down. He held my hips so my body was firmly against his.
"Just in case I can't make it promise me you'll phone me or something if you're not okay. " he said.

"I promise. " I said as put his forehead against mine, his frame making me feel tiny as usual. I felt the warmth from his face. His breath smelt of orange juice.

"Good. " he spoke. The land and atmosphere seems to just be dull today. The sky still grey. I smiled at him, my eyes looking at his.

Even though his eyes are almost a grey color, it still holds so much of life and joy in it. He reminds me of a little boy and a total gentleman at the same time.

He leans down and closes the gap. There's love and care in the kiss. I can tell that he wants me to be okay. I step down from my tippy tones and rest the top of my head by his chin.

"You should go now. " I patted his chest with my right hand.

Martijn looks up to the door and winks. I turn around and see Penny there with her arms folded and a smirk playing upon her face.

"I love you. " he said.

"I love you too. " I said and let go of him.

I watched him put everything in his backseat before climbing into the driver's seat and getting all buckled up. He started the car, waited a bit for it to warm up and then he was off. He winked and waved to me before he left.

I turn around to go back inside and talk to Penny. After I lock up again I turn around and face her.

"Really ?" I ask her and sigh.

"Yes really. You guys are so cute!" She cheered.

"Shush. Let's go... Get ready. " I smiled.

She grabbed my hand and we were going up the stairs. I decide to go with nice fitted black jeans, a fitted black shirt and a black fitted blazer. Yes, everything today is fitted.

I have a nice warm shower, I end up crying a bit. I wanted to get it over with, I don't like crying in front of people. I get out, get dried and wrap my towel around and step into my room.

Looks like I was in the shower for a real long time. I managed to fit myself into my clothes and then go on to doing my make up. I do my usual look but switch up my eye look and lips.

I do a smokey eye with some grey and black eye shadow, I then put a maroon colored matte lipstick.

Time to see my dad's cold, lifeless body.

I'm A Mess // M. G.Where stories live. Discover now