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The three of us were blind folded. "back to back."I said.

So we did. "all right you guys, there's a weakness in the formation. You have 30 seconds to change it before I break it," blaze said with a hit off cockiness .

The middle of us. "arms," i Leo yelled.

We linked and switched into a line. I was in the middle. "Better but what if you're protecting someone?" he asked.

"That's went we go back-to-back." I sighed.

"Correct." he said.

"Now the attacks come." blaze said.

he hit us all fast, knocking us down "dead." he said.

I ripped off my blindfold. "We can bloody well see you!" I screamed at him in anger.

"you won't be able to see. Because the use mist rogues use mist to fight. Onea attack is called silent kill," he said with a front smile pissing me off.

I put my blindfold on and took off my shoes. "never wore shoes before with singing. Right, let's go again." I said.

I got up and started pulsing charka through the ground to seances the foot movements. We got into positions." Leo, get ready to take my hands and spin me around fast, so I'm off the ground with Tobi. Go up the leg drop with charge behind it." I whisper.

"All right." Tobi said.

It went silent. "Get ready." I said.

He appeared in front of me. " Now." I yelled.

Leo spanned me off my feet and used my feet to lunch the wind at him. I land on my feet and took my blindfold off, and the blaze was smashed into a tree. must because I used Leos charka as well. We took our blindfolds off and went over to him. "sensei." Tobi yelled.

"are you okay?" Leo yelled.

"didn't expect that."blazes coughed with a proud smile.

"It's not the most perfect attacker ." I sighed.

"its very floored, but how did you get that strong of a wind gust."

"Leo and i both can use wind as our second element. It's not our affinities. So it makes it as strong as an affinity user."I sighed, having to think about it with a serious thinking face.

"you got that right."he said in pain

"I think this may call for something." I said.

I pulled up my sleeve and cut my finger, "summoning jutsu." I called.

My medical cat popped up. She was about the same size as a normal household cat. "Hanna, what's up." Lauren meow.

"Could you take a look at my sensei I think we hurt him?" I smiled.

"sure." she said.

She jumped on two blazes legs and walked all over him, then lay down. She glowed green, then so did blazes. then she got off. "thank you. Do you mind sticking around for a little longer, Lauren?" I asked.

"Ill stay, it's fine." she meow.

"all right. Then you might want to stay out of the way," blaze said, stand up smashing his fist.

The three of us blind folded and I kept my shoes off and blazes injured the three of us. He went for me first, then took down the guys. Tobi ran from him into a tree because his neat freak antics got in the way.

Lauren healed us, and we went at it again. This time we all switched forms so blazes wouldn't go for me first and then well right. We got him. Then he went to weapons. This time he got us every time. Mid-day came and the three of us had about had it. "come on, you're doing great."blaze said positively considering he's beat us every time to pulp.

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