Chapter Thirty-Eight: I'm so sorry Paisley

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I grabbed Paisley and her carrier and all the things she needed.

"Are you sure you will be alright?" my mum said in a worried tone 

"Yes mum. I'm just gonna go down to the cafe and maybe go some cute baby clothes shopping. I will let you know what we are doing. Don't worry I'm gonna be good at this whole big sister thing." I explained.

"Okay I trust you. Just be careful and don't be to long." She said. I nodded and walked out the door. I put the baby in the back and started the car. She was asleep right now so things were going easy for me so far. I drove down town to a little cafe that I always went to. I walked in with Paisley in my hand and was seated.I decided to take her out of her carrier because she looked cramped. The waitress looked down at her notepad.

"What can I get you?" she said, still not looking up.

"Um can I just get a coffee with cream and sugar please." I said in a soft tone. Finally she looked at me and gave me a strange look.

"How old are you?" she asked me.

"Um seventeen. Can ask why you're asking?" I said.

"Oh well you just looked very young to be a mother that's all." she said. I looked down at Paisley and then back up at her.

"Oh no she's not mine. I'm her big sister I was just watching her for the day." I explained.

"Oh that makes much more sense. Okay will there be anything else?" she asked I shook my head no and she walked off.

"Did you see that Paisley she thought I was mum. I'm not being a mum anytime soon trust me." I said. 


After I drank my coffee and changed Paisley in the bathroom, I payed the check and decided I was gonna go to a shop and buy some clothes for Paisley. When I walked out of the cafe though paparazzi were standing around taking pictures. I wondered who they were trying to take a picture of then realized it was me and the baby.

"The two Hemmings daughters. Why don't get a look at the new baby." One of them said. I decided to ignore them and pull the blanket over the baby so her face couldn't plastered on every magazine and news show out there. I kept walking to car and realized shopping wasn't the best decision right now. I got in the car and drove right home.

I walked through the front door and into the living room. My parents must have been asleep because the whole house silent. I took Paisley in my arms.

"I'm so sorry Paisley. It was just supposed to be us today and they ruined it." I sighed. I heard my parents bedroom door open and my dad walked down the hall.

"You're back already?" he questioned. I couldn't tell him, he'd probably think I'm an awful big sister.

"Uh yeah. It got a bit cold out and I didn't want her getting sick so I brought her back." I said nervously, but I guess he was to tired to see right through my lie.

"Okay well I can take her if you want." he said, holding his arms out for me to hand her to him. I was completely stressed out now. Today was supposed to be simple and fun but all was only stressful and the only person that helped me when I was on edge was Tate.

"I just realized I have this project that I have to do with Tate. I'm gonna head over to his place, bye dad." I said quickly and ran out the door. I didn't bother texting Tate before I came over.

I'm so stupid. My baby sister is barely a month old and she is already living my worst nightmare as a child. Growing up I hated nothing more then the paparazzi. I wasn't a little girl afraid of monsters under her bed, I was scared of people surrounding me with cameras and asking questions, but I guess that's what it's like growing up with a famous dad. I don't want Paisley to be like me though, and I was the one that had already brought that upon her. It's my fault. I found myself crying as I drove to Tate's. It shouldn't be a big deal to me but it was and I couldn't stop from tears running down my face as I walked to the front door and knocked.

"Who is it?" I heard Tate's voice on the other side of the door.

"It's Charlie." I said softly. I heard him unlock the door and opened it.

"Hello my lovely girlfriend." he smiled at me before realizing tears ran down my face, and his smiled dropped.

"What's wrong babe?" he said putting his hands around my waist. I didn't say anything as he guided me upstairs into his room. I put my head on his chest and I slowly calmed down.

"Talk to me Charlotte." he said, running his fingers through my hair.

"I'm a horrible big sister." I admitted. 

"No you're not. What would make you say something like that?" he asked

"I wanted to give my parents a day off so I took her out and after we went to a café that paps

" showed up and surrounded us. Tate I grew up with cameras in my face constantly, and I hated it and I put her in the same position." I  explained.

"That is not your fault that they showed up and you're a good sister because you can protect her from things like that. Don't be down on yourself okay. I hat seeing you cry too so stop doing that too." he said

"Thank you." I said looking up at him and pressing my lips to his.

He always seemed to make me feel way better.


A/N: *sheilds face. Please dont kill me I know that I haven't update in so long and I'm sorry. Things have been tough, that's all I'll say I don't want to bother you guys. I hope you liked this chapter. I'm gonna try and make this book shorter then friends with benefits just so you know. I love you all very  uch and stay happy



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