Chapter 9. Pain

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        Three weeks.  It's been three weeks and the death threats from Tanya has still not stopped.  It's always the constant 'leave Edward,' or 'I will kill you.'  But there was always something up with the letters she would send me.  Each time the writing changed.  Each time there would be a small lingering scent. The scent was too faded for us to track, and even if we tried, we wouldn't know what to find.

There was nothing we could do to stop this. Tanya now knows that we're planning something against her, so now we don't know when the fight would be. Alice's visions has changed many times. She sees different scenes now. Each time there's a different outcome. We aren't positive about what's going to happen next, but we keep training.

Just the other week Esme and Carlisle left to go to London. They brought back some of their friends. We now had a house full of vampires. The Denali clan is hesitant about the fight. They hadn't come yet, so we don't know whether or not they'll be on our side. Kate has contacted me and told us that Irina and her will fight with us.

I know that Eleazar and Carmen will take a lot of convincing to actually fight with us, but we still try. Edward has become more distant from me again. And even though he told me he wouldn't, he did. Each time I walk into a room he immediately walks out. I can't help but to think that he's regretting everything now.

Ever since I came back that day when I ran off, he doesn't come near me anymore.  Sure, when I first came back he never wanted to leave my side, but now he's not by me.  Whenever we go back to the house, he never comes to our room, only the living room.  Whenever Carlisle tells us to come to a family meeting, he always says that he 'has to hunt.'

        Even when I try to catch his attention, he just walks away from me.  His facial expression is nothing basically.  He was sitting on the couch with Renesmee and Jacob.  He was laughing and talking to them, but right when I came in, he just shut up.

        "Hi mom," Renesmee said with a bright smile and I returned the smile.

        "Can I please talk to your father for a minute?" I asked and they both nodded.

        "Actually...I have to hunt," I heard Edward trail off as he got up from the couch.

        "Edward...please," I begged and he still didn't look at me.

        I heard him huff in anger as he sat back down in the couch.  Renesmee and Jacob left shortly after giving me a confused look.  Once they left Edward kept his eyes ahead of him.  I sat down next to him, and he moved away from me slightly.  I tried to keep my anger level low but I couldn't...I need to know what was his problem.

        "Edward! What the hell is wrong with you!" I realized that I was on my feet again glaring into his eyes that weren't looking into mine.

        He didn't answer, he just kept his eyes looking straight, "Why aren't you talking to me Edward!"

        I took in an unneeded breath trying to calm my nerves but nothing was working.  He still wasn't looking at me nor did he even move.  He wasn't even breathing. 

        "Just talk to me please!" I kept yelling but there was nothing.  No movement what so ever.

        I sat back down and put my index finger under his chin and whispered, "Please Edward...please."

        He still sat there with no emotions being expressed in his face.  There was still no movement in his body.

        "Please...just tell me...why aren't you talking to me? Why aren't you coming near me anymore? What did I do?"  I felt a sob start to build inside me while I stared at the side of his face.

        "You didn't do anything Bella," I heard him whisper.  It felt like it had been years since I had heard his voice.

        "Then why aren't you talking to me?" At this point his head shifted slightly in my direction.

        "Because Bella," he trailed off and turned his head away from me again.

        "Because why?" I asked and I watched his eyes turn to mine.

        "I keep hurting you Bella...why do you stay with me?" I could hear the clear pain in his throat as he turned to me again.

        "'re not hurting me...why would you think that?"

        "Because Bella that's all I do...I don't understand why you still stay with me," he mumbled as his eyes stared into mine.

        "Because it's me and's always just going to be me and you...forever."

        "But what if our forever doesn't work out? What if I keep hurting you like I am right now? Would you really want to stay with me then?"

        "Of course I would Edward...why would you say something like that?"

        He turned away from me again and stared at the door, "I have to go."

        "But-" before I could even finish, he was gone.

So now Edward's the one acting weird now huh? I wonder what's up...

QOTD: what do you think is wrong with him?



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