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Daniel spent his last day at home with Jack, venting about how anxious he was about going to the hospital the next day. He couldn't have been more panicked, and he was very grateful to have Jack with him to just listen to his worries. He was well aware that saying things out loud helped very much with dealing with things, and Jack let him vent because he knew that just as well.

"God, I don't even know what the hell I'm going to do. Jack, I'm not crazy, so I shouldn't be going to a mental hospital. I really don't know how to get out of this. I don't want to be seen as crazy, I'm not. What can I do? I can't go there, Jack. I can't go there. You know I'm not crazy, you know I don't belong there. I can't go," Daniel vented, hardly stopping to breathe. He had a habit of talking all at once when stressed.

Jack noticed over the course of his non-stop venting, he seemed very hung up on the thought that people thought he was crazy. "I know you're not crazy, everyone does. You don't need to be crazy to need help, though," he explained calmly. "You know, it's okay to need help. You're not crazy, Daniel. I know."

Relief was an understatement when used to describe what Daniel felt after hearing Jack speak. It was moments like this he just had to take a moment to thank the world for giving him someone as nice as Jack Garvey. He had this talent of keeping Daniel down to Earth and not going out of his mind, and Daniel was truly grateful.

"I still don't think I need to be helped on the level of a mental hospital," Daniel groaned.

"It's not gonna hurt anything, you know. Getting more help than necessary is far better than not getting enough."

Daniel signed, knowing Jack was right. He always was. "Why are you so good at life?" Daniel questioned his friend, changing the subject. "Like, you know everything and what's best for everyone."

"I don't know everything, or what's best for everyone," Jack laughed. "I just give advice so you know what's best for you. I don't know though, I suppose I'm just the wisest of them all. I'm the chosen one."

Daniel rolled his eyes, joining his friend in laughter. "Yeah, whatever."

"Hey, I hate to switch the subject back, but I'm gonna feel a lot better knowing you're at least a little willing to go the hospital. I don't want you to be completely unhappy," Jack said, nudging the older one. "I know I said something the other day but I'm still unsure about how you're taking this."

"Yeah, yeah. There won't be any kicking or screaming, I promise," Daniel answered, only half serious.

Part of him wanted to keep his promise to Jack and not make himself miserable and actually get help he knew he needed. Another part of him just wanted to be bitter and not even talk while there, completely refusing to be helped. He wasn't sure which part he wanted to side with. He could be quite stubborn when he wanted to be.

"Good," Jack smiled, truly happy Daniel was a little more open to the idea. He really did just want what was best for him.

"Wanna watch a movie?" Daniel asked, eager to switch subjects.

"You know it." Jack was nothing short of a movie fanatic and had seen what seemed like every movie ever.

The two spent the next few hours watching their favorite movies, laughing at stupid parts and enjoying their time together. Daniel had every intention of spending his time with his friend well, because before too long it would be gone. Only for however long the hospital decided to keep him, of course. He was just in the mentality that it was the end of the world. It really wasn't, and he knew that, but he figured he just enjoyed being dramatic. He still wanted to live a little, how long he'd be gone disregarded.

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