Chapter 89: Apology Accepted

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"Hey, Maddie!" Gally runs to my side as we both head over to breakfast.

Today's the day that seems would never come. The day I've been both waiting for and dreading of. We're supposed to land at headquarters in about an hour, and I really wish I could talk to Loki. But even Thor said I shouldn't.

"Hi Gally." I force a smile.

"Look," he steps in front of me so we stop walking. "I didn't ever really apologize for... For uh..." I watch him struggle for his words while he plays with his hands.

"For..." I whisper, coaxing him to find the words.

"For hurting you... I was just... I mean there's no excuse of course, but... I just... I'm sorry okay. I- I never should have.. Been so violent towards you. You didn't deserve that."

"It's okay, Gally."

"No, it really isn't. You and Carisi, you guys have every right to be pissed at me. I was just so caught up in having so much power over you... You really don't understand how bad I feel. I am soooo, extremely sorry."

"Okay, Gally." I put my hand on his forearm, "I accept your apology. And I forgive you okay? I promise."

He engulfs me in a very tight hug, "thank you."

All of a sudden there's a high pitched scream and a bunch of shouting. Gally quickly turns around, "what was that.."

My heart stops when I see the door, the only place that those voices could have come from. "Loki's cell."

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