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~4 months later~
Ida's POV.
So.. Harry and I have been very busy lately. He's been in the studio (according to him) from late afternoon to late at night and to be honest, I'm fucking tired of it. He's moody and seriously a real bitch most of the time which makes me feel useless, like he doesn't want me to stay with him. I've had some stupid thoughts about him, like he's cheating or something but I try to push them away.
I've been spending a lot of time with my friends, especially Cornelia.
It's been going really fast between her and Niall, they became a couple just two weeks after they met and they moved in together last week so we've had a lot to do, but we're finally finished with their new apartment.
I went up to my bedroom and didn't bother to wait for Harry this time. It's 2 am and he's still out, so I don't care anymore. Obviously I do care but I don't want to wait any longer, there's no point in it. He's gonna be grumpy and I'm not going to stay awake for that.
I took off my clothes and went down under the duvet. I took up my phone and looked through Twitter and Instagram when I heard the door shut downstairs. I knew it was Harry so I didn't bother to get up.
I heard his footsteps until he reached the bedroom.
I turned around so that I was facing something else.
The mattress sank down as Harry hugged me from behind and started to kiss my neck. I tried to push him away but it was impossible.
" what do you want Harry?!"
He crawled on top of me.
"You baby"
I could feel the smell of alcohol.
" get off of me!" I said as I tried to push him a little bit harder.
" c'mon baby, I want you so bad right now" he said as he sucked on my neck.
I pushed him one last time and this time I actually made it. He fell down on the floor and I jumped out of bed.
" WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?!" He yelled when he stood up again.
" what's wrong with me?! God, nothing's wrong with me! I'm just tired of being here alone every fucking night waiting for you while you're getting drunk, probably playing around with other girls while I'm here convincing myself that you're not!" I yelled while I put on the first shirt I found.
" stop being so fucking jealous,Ida! What I do when I'm out is none of your business!"
" fuck you Harry" I said as I left the room.
I went down to the kitchen to drink a glass of water when I heard Harry running down the stairs.
" don't you dare say that again" he said.
" you're my boyfriend Harry, you're mine and I don't want to share you with anyone else." I stopped for a moment to get some air as the tears streamed down my face.
" And I don't like it when you drink." I continued.
"It's my choice Ida!" He yelled at me.
" okay fine! Do whatever you want, but don't expect me to forgive you after this!" I said and ran up to our bedroom again.
The door shut downstairs so I knew that he left.
How stupid can he be?
I went back to the bed, tears still streaming down my face and tried my best to fall asleep.
Harry's POV.
Why would she even say that? I would never cheat on her, she's the fucking love of my life.
I didn't deny it though. If she just knew what I've been doing while I've been out.. All those plans I made for us.
" what have I done?" I asked myself as I drove out on the highway.
I need to talk to her, tell her I'm sorry.
I took out my phone from my pocket and called her.
No answer.
Instead of calling again, I wrote a message.
- I'm so sorry Ida, please forgive me.

And just as I pressed send, a bright light shined through the window and seconds later everything went black.
Ida's POV.
I woke up to see that I had one missed call and a message from Harry.
Instead of open it I went on Twitter.
#prayforharry was trending everywhere.
Just as I was about to click on the hashtag someone called me.
- hello?
- Hi is this Ida Styles?
- I'm Ida but not Styles, it's Anderson.
- Are you related to Mr styles?
- yes he's my boyfriend. What's going on?
- I don't want to scare you but you should come to the hospital.
- wait what? What's going on?
- Mr Styles was in a car accident. I can't tell you more over the phone just hurry up and we'll talk when you're here. She said and hung up.

I put on the first sweet pants I found and drove straight to the hospital.
Fans, reporters and paparazzis asked questions about Harry but I didn't answer, I ran to the entrance and a nurse gave me the directions to Harry's room.
I opened the door and saw Harry in the bed with a lot of things going in to his body and a cast around his leg, from his thigh to his foot.
I sat down on the chair next to the bed as I started to cry.
A nurse in her late forties came in and sat down next to me.
" hello Ida, I'm Miss Parker but you can call me Sally. I'm going to take care of Mr Styles and you while you're here." The nurse said.
" thank you Sally, you can just call him Harry." I said.
She put her hand over mine and looked me in the eyes.
" everything's going to be okay sweetie, I just called Harry's parents so they will be here in a couple of hours."
There was a knock on the door and a tall man came in.
" Hello Mrs Styles, I'm Dr Healey" he said and shook my hand.
" I just want to ask you some questions, is that okay with you?" He continued.
"Go ahead" I said and dried my tears.
" Miss Parker will go and get you something to drink." He said and Miss Parker, Sally did as he said.
He sat down in the chair next to me and looked through a paper that he had in his hand.
" Miss Parker has probably told you about the car accident already. Am I correct?"
" She just told me that he was in a car accident" I said.
" okay well.. He's in coma as you can see. He got hit by a truck but we got him in time with just a broken leg and an internal bleeding in his stomach." He explained.
" how long will he be in a coma?" I asked.
" we're not sure.. Some patients can wake up after a couple of days while some patients can wake up after months."
" oh" I said.
" there was a lot of alcohol in his blood. Do you know why he drove around in the middle of the night, drunk?" He asked.
" We had a fight." I said.
" I'm very sorry about that Mrs Styles. Miss Parker will be back any minute now so just ask her if there is something you want to know. I have to go now, nice to meet you even though the circumstance are really bad." He said before walking out of the room.
This is all my fault..
" Please wake up.. I can't do this without you." I whispered to Harry.
Sally came in again with a glass of water.
" There's four boys and a girl outside, can I let them in?" She asked.
" yeah" I said.
Niall walked up to me and gave me a strong hug. The boys came in after him with Cornelia behind them. They all gave me a hug and I told them about the accident.
I went out of the room and sat in a chair outside.
Liam came out and sat down next to me.
" I'm sorry Ida"
" why didn't I listen to him?" I asked.
" what do you mean?"
He gave me a confused look.
" I thought he was cheating on me... He's been out late almost every night for a month now and he's always in a bad mood when he gets home.." I cried.
" It's not your fault Ida. You can't blame this on yourself." he said and hugged me.
I looked in to Harry's room and saw everyone standing around him. Tears started to fall again when I saw his beautiful face.
We both turned around and saw Anne with Robin, Des and Gemma behind her.
~ Hi! Hope you liked the chapter!
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Love you all!❤️

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