The Human on Venos

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"Then tell them you'll have a threesome." Lest said.

"That is so wrong." Claude said.

"Why don't you just follow your heart." Asura said.

"He can't." Kuu said. "He's heart beats for both of them, half for Fyn and the other half for Yuu."

"Ooh, Yuu's side increased." The King clapped. "Still, we don't have to go through all these pointless drama, just pick one of them."

"Are you guys even thinking right now?" Mika asked. "If I choose one over the other, what do you think that person will do?"

"Kill himself." They all chorused.

"Exactly, and I don't want that." Mika said. "You know, you guys should just stay out of it, it's between me and them, nobody else." He turned and walked away.

"And this is where the plot thickens." Lest said.

"Well as he said." The King shrugged. "We'll leave it to them, now, if you all will please excuse me, I must greet my subjects. Ferid, Crowley, Claude, walk with me." He said as the four of them left.

"How rude." Kuu frowned. "Leaving his own beloved behind."

"Kuu-sama." Someone called as Kuu, Lest and Asura turned to see Devan walking towards them. "You're back."

"Yes I am." Kuu said. "Hello Devan."

"How was your visit to earth?" He asked. "I hope you had no troubles." At this point, Lest and Asura exchanged glances then turned back to Devan.

"It was ok I guess." Kuu said. "I brought home a lot of souvenirs, I can't wait to start using them." He ran off as Devan stared at him giving and blushing, then he noticed he wasn't alone. He turned to see Lest and Asura giving him weird glances.

"Oh um...hello." He said awkwardly. "I should go now." He quickly walked out of the room.

"Did you feel?" Asura asked.

"Yup." Lest nodded.

"Does he?"

"He does."

"With Kuu?"


"But the King?"


"Plot thickens?"

"Oh the plot thickens real hard."

Yuu banged on Fyn's door, he'd been doing it for the past half hour now, begging him to open up. "Fyn, please open up, let's talk."

"I have nothing to say to you." Fyn cried out. "Go away, just go."

"Fyn I'm so sorry I fell in love with Mika, I know he belongs to you-"

"Then why are you trying to take him from me?" Fyn asked.

"I'm not, I'm just-" Yuu sighed, he really didn't know how to answer. In all honesty he wanted Mika, he wanted to be with Mika for the rest of his life but seeing feel, he felt really bad about himself. Yuu knew he wasn't a thief especially if the stolen item is someone's lover. "Fyn." He knocked harder. "Please just open the door and let me in, let's sit and talk about this."

"I don't want to talk to you." Fyn cried. "Go away."

"No." Yuu said. "I'm not leaving this spot until you open the damn door."

"Enjoy staying there then." Fyn said.

"I will." Yuu said as he sat down and leaned on the door, he knew that he was going to stay there a long time.

Puppy Love (Editing)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant