As everyone sat down I was the last to remember that we were forgetting someone.

"Dillon! Get down here our guest are here." Danielle says.

The dad speaks up as we wait for Dillon. Why does he have to come?

Because he's apart of their family, I remind myself stupidly.

"My name is Greg." He smiled at us.

"I'm Veronica, this is my daughter Cait, she's a senior, 17, and my son Chris, he's 13 and in seventh grade." My mom smiles.

Danielle puts all the food on the table and everyone grabs a plate and starts digging in, including me. There was pretty much a feast in front me. I got chicken, mashed potatoes, green beans and a bread roll.

Thats when Dillon walks down. He had on a black shirt and black plants. Of course he would wear all black its what he's been wearing since the first time I saw him.

He didn't glance at me all but I couldn't help but just stare at him. His looks are  different from what I see at school.

He then looks up at me and I couldn't help but blush embarrassedly when he caught me.

He smirks at me and I roll my eyes.

"This is my son Dillon. He's also a senior and 17." Greg smiles at me and continues.

"Sorry he came down a little late. He likes to follow his own rules." Greg gives him a glare and Dillon just shrugs rudely.

"And this is my daughter, Michelle. She's 12 and a seventh grader." He added.

Everyone was seated down and Dillon took a seat in front me. I avoided his eyes as best as I could.

"I'm pretty sure our kids probably have seen each other in school am I right?" Danielle looks across the table at her children.

"I've seen you!" Michelle says and points to Chris. She's also very pretty. Just like her mom. "He was picking up a frog just with his hands the first day he got to school. That got him known for sure!" Michelle laughed and Chris laughed like they've been friends for years and just shared an old memory.  

"Well what about you and..." Greg looked embarrassed because he forgot my name so quickly.

"Cait." I said quickly and smiled so he wouldn't think I was offended

"Cait. I apologize." He said.

"What about you and Cait, Dillon?" Greg finished his question as he ate some chicken.

It was absolutely delicious.

We shared glances at each other. He didn't speak so I decided to.

"Yes, he's in a couple of my classes." I said. I left out how rude he was to me. I didn't want to make dinner as awkward as it already was.

"That's nice." My mother said.

"What do you do for a living, Veronica?" Danielle asked my mother.

She told him what she did which was work in some business place and also help out in volunteer places. I excused myself to the bathroom just as we were about to leave.

I finished my business and walked out the bathroom, only to come face to face with the beautiful face of Dillon Taylor.

"Excuse me." I said and tried to walk past him.

"I love how innocent you act, but I know you're not." He said blocking my path.

He caught me off guard.

"Excuse me?!" I asked. I was getting angry.

"I saw you Cait. You were dancing and I saw you through your window. Hm I liked that move when you dipped down. I had to take a cold shower after that babe." He smirked and I felt his eyes burning into mine.

"Uh, I don't know what you're talking about." I lied and pushed past him.

I knew my face was as red as a tomato and all I could think of was how much of an idiot I was for leaving my curtain open.

The Bad Boy Stole My Diary Where stories live. Discover now