Embry Call

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Word count: 8808

I hadn't seen my sister Emily in over a year, She moved to La Push Washington to live with the love of her life and my soon to be brother-in-law Sam Uley.

However this week I'm finally gonna see her again. Ofcourse we had called and skyped but that's nothing compared to actually being able to give each other a hug.

"Move it Y/N or you're gonna miss your plane!" My dad yelled.

"Coming!" I yelled back, putting the last few things in my bag.

I grabbed the suitcase and made my way down the stairs.

"I'm gonna miss you so much, please call me everyday." My mother said squeezing me in a tight hug.

"I'm not going off to war here, will just be gone for 3 weeks." I sheepisly laughed.

"Alright, give Emily and Sam a big hug from me, and have lots of fun." She smiled stroking my cheek.

My father send me an impatient look "come on." We walked to the car and I put my stuff in the back and sat down next to the driver's seat.

I waved one more time to my mom before we started the drive to the airport.


"You remember what I told you right? Don't miss your plane, do not get lost, do not talk to strangers, do not forget to call me when you land, be careful with foreign food, don't-"

"Dad, Dad I got it." I smiled sweetly to him, giving him a big hug.

"It's just that you're getting so old already, yesterday you were my little girl and now you are almost 17 and travelling all by yourself!" He mumbled.

I chuckled. "I'm still your little girl dad, just a little bit bigger."

"I know.." a little silence fell. "Go get you're plane, have fun! But not too much fun ofcourse. You know what I mean." His face went serious.

"Dad!" I exclaimed, but pulled him into one last hug.

I went in line for my ticket and soon enough was on my plane.

The flight went well, though I sat next to a sleeping man that snored the entire time.

Luckily I had my earbuds to keep me company, humming along the lyrics as I curiously looked out of the little window.

I was dazzled by the clouds and sunset and almost fell asleep if it wasn't for the weird man next to me that started talking in his sleep.

I chuckled but didn't pay too much attention to it, I was in a too happy mood.

I was gonna see Emily again! My big sis, nothing could ruin this day!


"Y/N? Y/N!" I heard an all too familiar voice yell, I spun around to see Em and Sam.

"Emily!" I yelled, dropping all my bags and running straight to her.

I hugged her as tight as possible, reliving the hugs we used to share as kids.

"Gosh Y/N you're growing so fast, look how gorgeous you are!" I smiled looking to the ground.

"Nice to see you again Y/N." Sam smiled, giving me a brief hug.

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