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In the deep haze of sleep, I felt cold hands caressing me. It started gently. Calloused, familiar hands stroking my hair, then they were everywhere. Panic started seeping in through the haze, and I felt a dozen of hands now. They were weighing me down, pinning me to the hard bed. I could hear my heart beating in my ears, and nothing else. The cold sensation of a hand sliding up my inner thigh startled me awake.

A blood curdling scream filled the dark silence around me.

Hearing the sound of my own screams made me jolt. Drawing my knees to my chest, I swallowed down the screams, as the familiar relief washed over me.

If this was reality, I wouldn't be able to scream. I wouldn't be able to move.

They weren't here. I told myself.

They will never be here. I hoped.

Fresh tears welled in my eyes.

I reached for the switch on the bed post, letting the warm yellow glow cocoon me. The sparse furnishing, the flaking paint job, the pale curtains, all greeted me and I smiled through the tears. I was home. Safe.

Shaking fingers reached for the glass of water, almost letting it slip. I tried telling myself that it was just a dream. A nightmare.

If only that was true.

His stench still lingered in the air, standing out from the others. The others were a fading memory in comparison. I still felt him here, in the very air I breathed, even if I wanted nothing more than to erase him from my memories.

I dragged shaking legs to the window, and a few stars sparkled like hope in the dark sky. I silently thanked them for waking me up before I relived everything. That large hand covering my mouth when I opened my mouth to scream, then the icy blue eyes smiling down at me, that evil sneer...

Another shiver ran down my spine, and bile rose up my throat. My trembling hands latched onto the window's ledge when my vision started darkening. Closing my eyes against the sudden onslaught of nausea, I started humming in my head, trying to play a calming tune.

Mrs. Michelson's voice penetrated through the haze, "Just remember something good, Michelle. Think of your happiest memory."

Callie's smiling face appeared in my mind, and this time when I breathed, his stench was gone to be replaced by a sweet smell. I thought of Callie's soft laughter as she whisked pancake batter for me. My first proper meal in months. That frail, freckled face of the scrawny brunette I met when we were eighteen, almost seven years ago, was my happiest memory. When I was hungry, cold and lonely, she had fed me, kept me warm and became my family.

Without thinking twice, I reached for the phone and called my best friend.

"Babes!" she answered on the first ring, full of life. The faint music in the background, and a murmur of distant voices reminded me that I was three hours ahead of her. I could imagine my tall, stunning friend and her sexy pixie haircut. I was sure she was getting all the attention in a crowded bar.

I let out a deep breath, letting go of the tension that had gripped me, "Hey, what's up?"

"You won't believe it, babe. Guess what? I think I found my old home," she said in an excited whisper and I had to take a moment to process the information. She was in Oregon, so that could only mean one thing.

"The orphanage?" I whispered, heart-racing in excitement. If she found that place, maybe she would find those forgotten memories. She could find her closure.

"Can you f*cking believe it? I was passing by this old church and it was all déjà vu. It felt like I was in a dream, and my feel carried me to this run-down building a few blocks behind the church. It looks familiar, Mel, but termite hills and concrete are the only things you'll find there now."

"Damn." I rolled my shoulders and couldn't help but pace the room.

"The few neighbors say the place was shut down years ago because of some pest complaints. Snakes under the house! Can you believe my luck? But they are positive it was once an orphanage. I am trying to find a way to get the old records. They should have some kind of record, right?" I could hear her tapping fingers on wood, the anxiety too clear in her rapid breaths and non-stop talking.

"They should definitely have some record of you. Did you contact the officials?"

"Yep." she paused for a little too long, then started giggling, "In fact, I'm on a date with one."

"A date? God you're crazy." I chuckled, imagining her seducing a poor officer to get her way. She'd never learn to do the things the proper way.

"Hey, he is cute, and fetching me a drink. God Mel, I think I'm gonna end up puking on his shiny shoes. What if I find something I don't want to know?"

"You can do it. You need the answers and whatever you find, just remember you need the closure. You can't live your whole life chasing ghosts, waiting for someone who might never show up, Caroline. Life's not really like 'Serendipity'." I said before realizing that I sounded just like my therapist. That Serendipity comment was one of Mrs. Michelson's favorites. I wanted to take back the words, but the damage was done.

Callie was already roaring with laughter. Talk about digging your own grave.

"Oh man, that was the cheesiest thing that's come out of your mouth." she snickered, and I felt my skin burn in embarrassment. "Mel darling, I am not the one who has remained celibate for years, waiting for some hot shot rock star to jump out of a poster. Serendipity! That was grand." I groaned in reply.

She had to go there.

"I am not waiting for anyone to jump out of a poster. I just don't want to date. Period."

"Sure, sure. And you didn't make us move to the middle of nowhere because it's his hometown. Nope, that was entirely a coincidence." she chided and I was sure my skin would combust any moment.

"If I wanted to get his attention, I would be like one of those groupies, stalking him around on a world tour. I am just not ready yet. Don't you remember my last disastrous date?"

Callie just chuckled and I could imagine her shaking her head, her chocolate brown eyes crinkled at the corners.

"Hey, my drink is almost here. I'll call you later, alright?" she whispered and cut the call before I could say anything else.

Still burning with indignation, I went back to bed but as always sleep evaded me. I didn't want to go back to that nightmare.

I sighed, pushing Callie's teasing at the back of my head and reached for my I-pod. It was either his voice or the pills. The groovy music filtered through the tiny speakers on the wall, and I closed my eyes. His voice smiled through the song, and I was lost in that familiar warmth. Everything else became insignificant as I drifted off, hearing a haunting tale about how he got lost in the woods, following a beautiful mystical creature that lured him in.

I dreamt of him. His smile vivid, laughter musical. I ran into a beautiful forest with a bouquet of white flowers in hand, and he was chasing me. 

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