Chapter 2

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I applied my last layer of red lipstick and rubbed my lips together. I made sure that the curls in my hair were loose enough for my liking.
"This is it Alex. The first time that I get some legit me time." I told myself. I applied some Coach perfume and gave myself one final look in the mirror.
"And where do you think you're going at this time of night?" My mom startled me when she popped up out of no where.

"I'm going out with Angela, mom." I explained.

"Child you have some nerves! You have a child that is sick, and another that is a momma's boy. You should be ashamed of yourself. Walking around here exposing yourself!" My mother exclaimed. How could she say such baffle things about me and my kids! She's not raising then! Wait, technical she is because I'm working so much at the dinner that I can't even take my own kids to get ice cream, but still. I looked into my mother's unemphatic eyes and couldn't do nothing but stare in awe.

"Can you please watch them for a couple more hours?" I pleased.

"Absolutely not! I've been basically raising your kids since you had them. Its already bad enough that you had two kids at the age of 17. Your father isn't around to lend me a helping hand, and Alex I'm sick of being nice. Either you make a change, or find somewhere else to live!" And with that my mother exited my old childhood room. What is she's right? What if I'm selfish and a bad mother? Yea I made the mistake of getting pregnant, but I still need a life, too. My phone buzzed and I read the text from Angela:

I'm outside love. Hurry! Ladies get in free and I don't wanna miss the hottie's. 😝😝😝

I debated whether or not I should go. Me time or kids time? Whatever decision I made it would be life changing.

We pulled into a parking space at CosmoLava. I decided to because this might be my only chance at enjoying life.

"You ready for this? 'Cause we 'bout to get turnt!" Angela exclaimed. I rolled my eyes and replied with a flat "yes." Angela frowned and said "Wow the turn down is extremely real right now. Come on girl get pumped, get pumped, get turnt, get excited!" That girl was extremely good at convincing me to do things. I smiled and gave a big "YASSS!"

"That's more like it. Now let's go party!"

We got out of the car and headed for the door. I was a little anxious because it was my first time actually being at a club. We walked through the front door and were immediately greeted by a surge of loud music. The club was crowded with men and women and reeked of alcohol. I grabbed on to Angela's arm so that I wouldn't lose her in the wave of human bodies. Angela had a huge grin on her face. We glided our way through the dancing crowd and made our way to the bar.

"Wait Angie, I'm only 18 and you are 20. We aren't old enough to buy any alcohol."

"Dont worry girlfriend, I have my sources." Angela said with an evil grin on her face. We sat down on two empty bar stools and I absorbed the enumerable amount of liquor on the shelves.

"What may I get you two lovely ladies?" A blonde headed bartender asked.


"She'll have two shots of vodka." A guy interrupted.

"Coming right up." The bartender winked. I looked up at the man who had ordered me a drink. He was extremely handsome. He had freshly cut and wavy black hair, a strong jawline, indescribable muscles, and a perfect shade of caramel skin.

"Jason." The guy said holding his hand out for me to shake. I hesitated a bit because I didn't know who this guy was.

"Well, well, well, look who's here." Angela teased.

I looked in confusion.

"You know this guy?" I inquired.

"Yea, I uses to come here a long time ago when I wanted to be away from home. He uses to be the bartender and would also pay for my drinks. Now he owns the hottest bar in Atlanta. Cosmolava." Angela smiled.

The girl bartender came back with the drink order and Jason tipped her $100.

"I take it that you weren't going to shake my hand." Jason chuckled.

"Oh, my bad, I'm Alex." I said blushing evidently. He hand shake was extremely professional. I looked into his beautiful brown eyes and they seemed to have casted a spell on me because I couldn't look away. Our hand shake was probably going to go on forever until Angela said, "Well you ordered her a drink, where's mine?"

"I didn't forget about you love." He smiled.

"Marguerite, get me 3 more shots of vodka." Marguerite followed his order and jason tipped her another 100. In a matter of minutes she was back.

"Thank you!" Angela exclaimed, drinking her alcohol blissfully.

"So what brings you lovely ladies out tonight?" Jason asked.

"Oh I wanted to get momma Alex out the house. With her working all the time and on parent duty, hell she needed the break." Angela explained while taking in another shot of vodka.

I took a sip of mine and instantly gagged.

"" I said.

"Just keep drinking it. It'll get better." Jason said while wiping some of the vodka off my cheek.

"And Angie stop dreading my business!" I blushed.

"OK Ms. Im-too-embarrased-to-tell-the-truth. Join me when you're ready to party." She took one last shot and zipped to the dance floor. I watched her enter the dance floor, but soon o felt as though I was being watched.

"Oh Jason, you're still here. I thought you left." I said while hesitantly taking another shot of vodka.

"I find a woman who works hard for her family extremely attractive." Jason flirted. I blushed a bit, not knowing what to say. A guy attracted to a 18-year-old? Such a pervert!

"Look Jason, I know you don't want to know me, and honestly I wouldn't want to know me, but back off dude. I'm only 18." I exclaimed. Jason stared at me in awe.

"It would be a honor to get to know you. I've been working here since I was 18. When my boss told me that he wanted to do other things in life besides own a bar, I took on the challenge of taking over for him. Now I'm 22 and I own the hottest club in Atlanta." Jason smiled. This guy wasn't going to give up was he? I couldn't help hut smile as I reflected on the fact that a guy was actually attracted to me.

"Alex, stop flirting and come out here and dance with me!" Angela yelled. I smiled and took one last sip of my drink. I gave Jason a wink and went off for some me time.

Hi guys!!!! Jae P and I finally finished chapter!!!! I'm currently doing chapter 3 and will be uploading it soon (probably in 3 weeks lol jk). So yea, I hoped u enjoyed and please comment. Btw, if u want to read about the people who created this profile plzz check out our info book.

~JAE P 😝😝😝😝😝😝

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