Forty Three.

159 6 2

Songs for this chapter are:

*Haunting // Halsey

*You're the Reason I Come Home // Ron Pope

*Rewind // Room 94



Louis unlocked his front door and we both stepped in quietly, neither of us ready to talk yet. He slipped his shoes off and I watched him tentatively, resting me weight against the door. The counselling session we had just been to had taken all my energy, and Louis knew it. He took a deep breath and kicked his shoes to the side before finally looking up at me, through his fringe. He'd decided not to quiff his hair today and it made him look even younger, not only transporting me to the old days, but making me feel like I needed to protect him.

"Why don't you take a shower and relax or something, I can find you a towel and something to wear?" He walked up to me and scooped a strand of hair out of my eyes. The anxious look on his face caused me to nod and he leant forward to kiss the tip of my nose. "I can show you why the main bathroom is the best one?"

He took a step back from me, allowing me to walk past him. I shuffled up the stairs but stopped when he called after me. My hand rested on the cold wood of the banister to balance myself as I twisted to face him. He looked even smaller than usual now that I was towering above him and he smiled at me, "Thank you for coming with me today. It meant a lot." I didn't have time to respond as he chased after me up the stairs.

He directed me towards the main bathroom, something I hadn't seen before, and I gasped in amazement as he opened the door for me. The room was covered in cream marble and was offset by silver everything else, silver taps, silver shower head and even a silver towel rail. The shower itself was massive and had a slope inside it that started at the ceiling and trailed downwards, it held all the essentials like shower gel but was thick enough for someone to lie on. It was just a very large glass cube with no shower curtain and Louis smirked at me as he opened a cupboard and handed me a fluffy white towel.

"I told you it was better." I nodded and chuckled in amazement before walking up to the glass shower walls and running my fingers across it.

"Get in then." I tutted at Louis who laughed at me and I turned to face him, letting my eyes stick to the controls. "I don't know how to work it." It was his turn to tut me and he opened the glass door leaning in to point at the dial. "You turn this Haz and the water comes on." His tone was patronising and I grinned at him, flicking the dial. "Like this?" It started to pour out and he was getting soaked, his hair sticking to his face. He spluttered and little water droplets sprayed everywhere. I started to laugh and Louis grabbed me, pulling me into the shower. Our laughs echoed round the room as he pulled the shower head off the hook and started to spray me with it. I swallowed some water before putting my hands up to stop it hitting me and spluttered.

Suddenly the water wasn't splashing me anymore and I opened my eyes to the sound of a bang as Louis threw the shower head to one side. He moved in to kiss me and our lips met aggressively as he pushed me up onto the slope. My legs spread and Louis stood inbetween them as he unbuttoned my top. His lips pulled away from mine for a second as he smiled to himself and ours eyes met as he started to talk, his breath tickling my face, "I am so lucky you don't do all these buttons up." I tilted my head back to laugh and tangled my fingers in his wet hair.

His lips explored my torso, planting kisses and the odd love bite before we went back to making out again. His hands wrestled with my jeans and mine wrestled with his, the dampness making it hard to get them off.

When we were undressed my legs tangled round his body and he slowly started thrusting into me. He was gentle as first, holding me in place by gripping me round my thighs, but built his pace up until my whole body was being pushed and pulled harder into the wall and away from it. We started off kissing passionately, his tongue running along my lips and nibbling me every so often, but as he thrusted harder and deeper, we had pulled apart, getting breathy.

Every time he pushed against that spot I moaned louder, aware we were completely alone and able to do as we pleased. Every time I groaned out in pleasure Louis echoed it with a low moan until we both came. We rode our orgasms out then stayed completely still trying to catch our breaths before he pulled out. I stayed sat on the ledge as Louis hung the shower head back up and washed himself off since his chest was covered in my cum. I was still taking deep breaths and let my eyes scan around the shower, seeing our clothes in the corner, absolutely soaking. I chuckled to myself and Louis turned to face me, picking up the shower gel. He threw it to me and I caught it, hopping off the slope before starting to wash myself. He shuffled out the way for me to get under the water and when I was done I watched him pick up the shampoo. He squirted some out onto his hand and snapped the lid shut before running it through my hair. We stood in silence as I felt his fingers comb gently through my hair and massage my scalp. His face portrayed that he was concentrating as his tongue was stuck out slightly to the side. The water washed over me and he used his hands to guide the soap away before he shut the water off.

Neither of us said anything as we kissed again, softer this time than before. Louis pulled away first, his hands still tangled in my hair, and rested his nose against mine. "Move in with me Harry?"

I don't know what possessed me to say it, but I found myself agreeing. "Okay. But after Belle's birthday."

The Story of Us // L.SKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat