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"Come on, Princess," Killian said to Audrey as he picked her up and carried her like a princess. She giggled, wrapping her arms around Killian's neck. "Let's get you strapped in while your mommy says goodbye." Then, he turned to Emily and flashed her one of his charming smiles before saying, "Take care. I'll bring them back in a few days."

"I'll miss you," I muttered, pulling Emily into a hug. "Sorry I'm not much help."

"Technically, we already planned this wedding years ago. Remember all those nights spend looking at those fancy wedding magazines instead of studying for exams?" she reminded me, smiling. "It just so happen that you weren't here to bring it to life. But you're here now, and that's really what's important. I've missed you so much."

"Don't let Jonathan hear you say that," I teased, pulling her into another hug. "He might get jealous."

"He knows where my alliance stands," she joked, shrugging. "I really wish that you decide to stay longer after the wedding."

"About that..."

She gasped, the colour in her face draining. "You're not even going to be here? Tell me you're lying," she demanded.

I chuckled shaking my head. "I'm actually thinking of coming back after my semester abroad and, you know, staying for real," I admitted, flashing her a small smile. Emily was quiet for a second, the words slowly sinking in as her frown morphed into a grin.

"You're serious?" she asked, grabbing my hand in hers and squeezing them tightly. "You're one-hundred percent not joking right?"

"I mean," I muttered, turning around slightly and looking at Killian strap Audrey in the car. "I figured it was time to come back."

"This has nothing to do with McDreamy over there?" Emily had a look in her eyes, a teasing glint that said she knew what was up. But nothing was up. This absolutely had nothing to do with Killian. I mean, yes, he'd convinced me but only because he reminded me of how lonely it was traveling to places and not making long lasting friendships during my childhood.

"No," I replied, chuckling. "I was thinking more of Audrey. All this moving isn't making hre much friends. Or at least ones like you and me."

Emily squealed in delight, pulling me into another hug. "I'm touched, El," she muttered. "I love you too. SOoooooooo much."

We both laughed and before I know it, I was getting on the passenger seat of Killian's sports car and we were pulling out of Em and Jonathan's driveway. It only took Audrey a few minutes before she fell asleep.

Killian was in the middle of a horrific story about a woman who came up for a blood test and came out with a positive result for an STD and how she explained how she'd been practicing safe sex by using a condom.

"But here's the bad part," Killian said, a frown suddenly on his face. "She said that she's been thoroughly washing the condom before they use it."

"What?" I exclaimed, horrified. "You mean, they've been using the same c-condom repeatedly?"

Killian nodded with a grimace. "Yeah," he answered. "I had to explain to her that those are one-per-use only. It was like high school sex-ed again. I had to explain every bit of details just in case."

"The system needs to up their sexual education," I concluded.

"Yeah, isn't that kinda your job?" he wondered.

"Yeah, okay," I told him sarcastically. "Let me go ahead and educate little kids about the birds and the bees."

"Well, better educate them now than have them learn it the hard way," was his logic.

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