Abner Manor

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"Yin! Wake up!"

Groaning groggily at the sound of her triplet sister's calling, Yin forcibly crawled deeper whtin the wrapped confines of her bed. The warmth which surrounded her suddenly disappeared--the cold air piercing unnaturally across her exposed arms and calves. Yin took a sharp intake of breath, abruply shooting upright. Her crimson-toned eyes burning open to stare pointedly at the rude source of annoyance.

Two liquid topaz orbs, half-lidded and unblinking, apathetically returned Yin's fierce glare. A barely inaudible murmur fell from the topaz owner's pale pink lips. Startled by the sight of the eyes blazing deeply as her own, Yin quickly apologized, though still annoyed.

"Ah! Claire... I would've burned you alive. I thought you were Zee."

The gloosed and gleaning orbs remained unblinking, and not a word came from Claire's mouth again. She simply nodded at the slightest and proceeded to take Yin's bed cover, and expertly folded the material, placing it at the foot of Yin's bed. Silently, she exited the room without a glance back.

Guess she hadn't missed me.

Locking her arms over her head, Yin released a sigh of relief. She briefly stretched her arms and hopped out from bed. Glancing at her right arm, she saw the bandaged wound from the previous night had stopped bleeding, and coated over the edges of the white wrap.

"Tsk. I should've asked Claire to look at it before she left. That bastard of a demon caught me by surprise..." she muttered, dragging herself out of the bedroom and heading out the door.

Black and white checkered tiles gleamed before her. Vast floor-to-ceiling windows shown sunlight to her right. The hall stretched for what seemed like eternity, the leaking pathway of morning light continuously slipping through and washing the Victorian-styled floral wallpapers adjacent from the windows. As Yin traveled along the hall, a black tile down the way shimmered for a second. Thinking it was just the sunlight reflecting off the polished tile, Yin continued forward. Passing her foot over the tile, it fell open to a black and gaping hole.

"AHHHHH Yin, you're no fun..." came a small voice from within the dark.

A blonde head of tussled hair popped out from the overturned tile. Dull gray eyes shimmered brightly in contrast to the dark around, glimmering with feigned disappointment. The blonde head followed the body of a young boy of 7, covered in the protection of teddy-bear footsy pajamas emerged from below. Fisted hands at his hips, the pouting boy began his disaproval of not scaring his sister again.

"Ah, ah, ah! Not a word; you disrupted my morning walk, Anothny Morgan Abner," replied Yin as she grabbed her brother around his waist and settled him onto her shoulders. "Now you have to come with me."

"Yaaay!" he screamed delightedly, latching his fits onto her hair.

"We're late to breakfast now. Your sisters won't be too pleased. They might even eat your food themselves!"

"Noooo! I want pancakes!"

Anthony frantically clamered at Yin's defenseless head, urging her to move. Laughing, with no feel of pain from his vice-like grip, Yin lowered her body into a running position, earning him at ease.

"Ready? Set..."


A whirlwind of white flame ran against the black and white tiles, flickering viciously up against her ankles and up around their bodies--and the two vanished from sight, leaving nothing but the open trap door, and rising glimmer of morning light.

* * *

"You're late," remarked the previously silent Claire to an empty seat.

Moments after her words left her lips came a flashing white blur across from where she was seated. Two bodies morphed from thin air, occupying the high-back, royally-crafted wooden and cushioned seats. Along the wide black and white checkered dining table was a lavish spread of steaming sustenance. Pancakes, fruits, gormet cheese platters, and French wine.

"Breakfast is 6AM -- Sharp!" came a bubbly voice from what seemed to be all around.

As the voice died, there, a luminous gust of wind blew from the East, lifting all of the food into the air.

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