Your Nickname or Nicknames

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Stiles:Sweetie or Sweetheart. He makes them Simple but loving.

Brett:Shortie or Babygirl . Your pretty short compared to a tall Brett,and he loves it ,and cause your his girl ,his baby the other one fits as well.

Liam:Nickname based on your eye color, so if you had green eyes your nickname would be green eyes. Whatever your eye color is.

Isaac:Darling or Sweet Cheeks. Simple,classy sweet names is how Isaac does it,and you love it.

Derek:Little Lady. He is not big on nicknames but he thought this was perfect for you.

Scott: Shortening of your name or just the first letter. It's Simple but pleasing.

Jackson:Sexy girl or My girl. He likes to let other guys know your his,and he knows you love him giving you nicknames anyways.

Peter:Your name or Honey. No matter what he calls you it is special because it's coming from him.

Theo:Smartie or your last name. You guys have a thing for calling each other by your last names,and he loves how smart you are.

Hope this are OK! I liked writing them. ❤

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