Chapter Eight: A Good Shouting Match.

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Hi again! Here we go, another chapter! Remember to check out me and Amber's joint account @DareToDream1D.

Follow my Twitter: @SugarCookiesx

I have a YouTube channel which isn't working out so I'm making a new one called MissDirectioner. I'll probably make lyrics videos to all of One Direction's songs, including those X-Factor ones. I'll alert you when it's up!

My babbling aside, on with the chapter!

MIss Horanette



Chapter Eight: A Good Shouting Match.

|~Niall's P.O.V~|

I didn't see who pushed her, until after I saw Emily's head whack against the piano, and her body crumple to the floor. I looked around the stage angrily. Blair stood there, triumphantly. Her perfect blonde hair lay perfectly on her shoulders. Her perfect blue eyes were gleaming perfectly at everyone. Her perfect white teeth gave me the need of sunglasses. She was just so damn perfect it was horrible! I clenched my fists. Pixie Lott came running out, panting, trying to tug Blair back.

"Nobody steals my Nialler." She said smugly. I opened my mouth to scream at her, but Louis's hand clamped over it. I mumbled in protest. Eventually I wrenched his hand away, and stormed out onto the stage.

"Blair Lott! What in hell do you think you're doing?" I said furiously.

"Thought you would be happy, baby! I got rid of her for you!" She said cheerily. I gave her a shove and she gasped.

"You are never going to be her. She's is better than you in every way possible," I said quietly. Emily was groaning and hoisting herself up onto a chair, with Louis's help.

"Are you kidding? I'm a famous actress! And she's -" Blair started to sneer.

"-got a SCHOLARSHIP at the finest acadamy for music in the country." I finshed. She glared. If looks could kill.

"I'm pretty, she's not. I'm famous, she's not. I'm rich, she's not. I'm Pixie Lott's sister and she most definately is not." Blair began, but Pixie interjected.

"I'd rather Milly as a sister any day." Blair's mouth hung open.

"Did you hear that, Lott?" Emily got up and started speaking. "Nobody likes you! Why not? You could be a great friend. You just chose to make everyone, even your own sister, hate you."

"Oh, up yours!" said Blair, crossing her arms.

"Niall was happy to cheat with me. He ended YOU for ME." Blair continued her fight. I groaned. She had to bring that up.

"Milly, I-"

"Oh, shut up, Nialler! We both know you're no good at come-backs." Emily giggled, before turning to Blair.

"See this necklace?" She asked, pullling out the half-heart. "E. Niall, show her your N."I reached for my keys and showed her the N part of the heart.

"And on the back." She turned the necklace over. "I Love You, Emily. And this necklace is silver. Do you have a necklace?" She pretended to examine her neck. "Nope, guess not."

|~Emily's POV~|

Tears leaked out of Blair's glassy blue eyes.

"Blair, sweetie, you're not crying, are you?" asked Pixie warily.

"No," Blair sniffed.

"Blair never cries. And I can't deny she deserves it, but..." trailed off Pixie. She would always love her sister, no matter what.


"What is it, Daniels?"

"You can call me Emily. Why are you crying?" I put a hand on her shoulder.

"I don't think I should tell you." hesitated Blair.

"Hell to the yeah you can!" I scolded.

"Well - well, when I was fifteen, I went out with Niall. I was his steady girlfriend for two years. And then out of the blue in the month of May he turns up, dumps me, and says he's got someone better. And that her name was E-e-"

"Yes?" I prompted, even though I knew the answer.


WHAT?! I'm sure my face looked as shocked as I felt. Emma? Emily, does she mean?

"Emma?" I asked, disbelievingly.

"Um...yes?" Niall said, carefully.

"Wait...seventeen. Blair's seventeen THIS year. And it's May. May. Niall...are you cheating on me?" I felt my eyes widen at the idea of being cheated upon again. I don't think I Could deal with the heartbreak.

"No, I promise!"

"Then...then you're no different to any of the other bastard players out there," I whispered, and started running away from all of them.

Guess Niall's in the hot seat now.


AHHH! I so hate this chapter! But I hope YOU like it! vote, vote, vote! And comment and fan of course ;)

Miss Horanette



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