Aries X Gemini and Aries X Sagittarius

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Aries (f) x Gemini (m) and a little Aries (f) x Sagittarius (m)- Graceowen1234567890



Aries was, as per her usual day, running on the track at her school. Her sneakers were covered in dust as she continued running, her crimson locks swinging in her pony tail. Gemini looked up from his phone, his eyes gazing longingly at his classmate. When she turned his way, he swiftly continued looking at the screen, seeing as he was the only one sitting on the bleachers. 

Sagittarius was sitting on the limb of a nearby tree, casually glancing over at the girl on the track, flipping the pages of his book mindlessly. His dark hair was growing more disheveled as a small breeze ruffled the leaves in the tree. Both were wondering if Aries could remember the night before, which had been one of the best moments of their lives. 

Gemini flushed a little at the memory. He, Sagittarius and Aries had gotten water at a party at Leo's house, and it had appeared that someone had spiked the soda, because Sagittarius was soon holding a very red faced Aries who had dropped a can of Pepsi. Both boys had been fine, but their female friend had wobbled a little while standing and couldn't speak as well as before. When Gemini had checked the can, it had a fake wrapper for soda and underneath it was a beer can, and Aries had downed it all in one gulp.

"Sag," Gemini continued, "we should probably take her home about now, she's completely drunk."

Aries waved him off, her amber eyes glaring, "I'm fine, let's go play spin the bottle!"

"Aries," Sagittarius started.

"Sagittarius." She answered in a whiny tone. His eyes had widened at that, he now had proof she was drunk. She never liked bothering anyone like that.

After a few rounds, Gemini was told to spin the soda can, and it had landed on Aries. Being red in the face and stuttering, he was frozen in his seat. Aries, being completely drunk and more straight forward than a parent explaining sex, yanked him by the collar of his shirt into a kiss. When they parted, Gemini was red with embarrassment (and a little bit of pleasure), Aries was red from the "soda" can, and Sagittarius was red from anger. 

When Aries spun, it landed on Sagittarius, "Yay! I got Sagi too!"

"Come here Aries," Sagittarius chuckled at her childish actions. As he moved silently over to her, Aries weaved her fingers into his raven locks and pulled him down to meet her, their lips colliding midway. To Gemini it felt like months, years, maybe even decades passed before they parted. In reality it was no longer than thirty seconds, just like Gemini's kiss.

So here they were, Gemini sighed as he watched Aries continue running. If Aries remembered, the pale girl hadn't said anything, if she didn't he couldn't tell. But for Sagittarius and Gemini, not knowing brought anxiety, and their answer would bring relief and anguish.

Aries x Gemini Ending :

When the sky was growing orange and shadows multiplied over the track, Gemini packed his bag and stood from the bleachers. On his way down, a voice called out to him.

"Oi!" Aries waved at him,"Gemini!"

"Yo Aries!" He smiled as she came over with her towel and water bottle, "What can I help you with?"

She smiled, "Just this."

She roped her towel around his neck and pulled him down to her level into a kiss. When their lips touched, sparks ignited all across his body, causing his arms to wrap around her waist. As he pulled her closer, her arms snaked around his neck and they separated.

"What was that for?" Gemini asked.

"Well," Aries winked, "I wanted to know if you wanted to maybe get some ice cream or something. I thought it was the best way to ask."

Gemini chuckled, "I'll never quite understand you Aries."

"Well," Aries smiled, "you have the time to learn."

Aries x Sagittarius Ending :

Over time, Sagittarius had fallen asleep on his branch, his eyes closed peacefully. Looking up, Aries threw her towel at his face, startling him awake.

"Wake up Sleeping Beauty!" She shouted while kicking the trunk of the tree, "We can go now!"

Sagittarius glanced at her with furrowed brows, "Since when am I leaving with you?"

"Since when do you not?"

"Fair point."

"Hey Aries," Sagittarius continued as they started walking, "do you remember last night?"

He stopped and turned to her when she punched his arm, "Oh that reminds me, right back at you Tiger."

"What?" His voice held a questioning tone.

Aries grinned, "What I remember from last night, is what you said to me when you dropped me off."

He looked away, scratching the back of his neck, "What did I say exactly?"

"You told me you loved me." Her voice was blunt, as Aries saw no point in lying. 

"And your answer was....." Sagittarius' voice trailed off. Aries wrapped her arms around his neck and his hands instinctively snaked around her waist.

"Didn't I," She pulled him down so their foreheads were touching, "already answer that?"

With those final words, she closed the remaining distance between them. Ironically, it seemed as though Sagittarius was the one who was drunk, all though he was drunk on love.


That's it folks! But anyways thank you for 388 views! 

Because of these views, I'm literally jumping and down right now. Also, all I see is a stick figure me with sunglasses singing these lyrics to a song I can't remember the title of :

F*** you, f*** me, f*** the sky, f*** trees.

See how weird that is? Anyways, leave any requests in the comments below and I'll get to writing. A plus mes beignets!


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