"first" chatroom

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~everyone has logged on~

RichMommaSuho: Chen, please come back into the dorm.

DanchenMachine: you can't stop me

RichMommaSuho: oh Chen...

GoodGoodz: what's Chen doing?

RichMommaSuho: he's trying to leave the dorm.

DanchenMachine: why can't I leave!!!!?!

RichMommaSuho: because when you went out yesterday in your "disguise" it didn't work.

DanchenMachine: it almost did...

LaysChips: we almost got tackled Chen...

LaysChips: if we didn't run we'd at least have a broken leg...

DanchenMachine: okay our disguises weren't the best..

RichMommaSuho: you two, log off and clean the washroom. Thats your punishment.

Baozbuns: I'll help...since they were getting a present for me it was kind of my fault.

GoodGoodz: no, its not my baozi's fault!

ChickenLuver: Kyungsoo and I have some similarities in our usernames.

ILikeSteak: what.

ChickenLuver: because our usernames both have something to do with meat.

ILikeSteak: ew, should I change it?

ChickenLuver: no, its cute.

YehetOhorat: you both are ew.

ILikeSteak: shut up Sehun, you're the youngest here. You're the most cringe worthy.


ILikeSteak: go get your tech decks and skate board away

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ILikeSteak: go get your tech decks and skate board away.

YehetOhorat: hyung! Don't send pictures like that about me! i'm way better looking now.

ILikeSteak: too bad



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