Lets start

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Aphmau's POV:

Aphmau: Hey guys welcome to truth or dare heh...
Laurence:Aww boy this is gonna be good.
Aphmau:Anyway let's start.
"Nicole truth or dare" I say with a devilish grin knowing she'll say dare. "Dare!" Nicole says. I head over to Laurence and tell him the dare and an evil grin spreads on his face. "Nicole I dare you to do whatever Laurence says" I scoff. "Nicole" Laurence says "You have to go crack eggs on your head". Everyone laughs. Nicole crack the eggs on her head and she'll probably seek revenge I'm guessing...
"Garroth truth or dare Nicole says..."

Going to end it here sorry for a short chapter when I next make a cheater it will be longer I promise bye for now. 😉

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2016 ⏰

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